
topicnews · September 22, 2024

“Nehammer feels comfortable in the crisis team”

“Nehammer feels comfortable in the crisis team”

Not only the election campaign, but also the interest in classification and in-depth analysis has increased enormously since the flood disaster last week. And accordingly, the live podcast in the Kleine Zeitung’s Skyroom was filled to the last seat.

Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle analyzed the situation for the day after the election clearly and unvarnished.

© Klz/lisa Haindl

Political scientist Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle, together with Michael Jungwirth, deputy editor-in-chief of the Kleine Zeitung, analyzed what has happened in the election campaign in recent days.

Listen to the full length politics podcast here

For Jungwirth it was clear: “There was an election campaign before and after the floods.” Stainer-Hämmerle explained the rising poll numbers for the ÖVP with the person of Karl Nehammer. “Karl Nehammer feels comfortable in the crisis team. So he is authentic there and it also fits the ÖVP’s narrative in this election campaign. And that is: We are holding the middle together. And that is a completely different story to that of Herbert Kickl, who wants to score points by saying that the powerful are letting everyone down.”

When asked by podcast director Barbara Haas whether it wasn’t cynical to make political profit out of the very real suffering of flood victims, Michael Jungwirth said: “Yes, it’s a balancing act, but it’s legitimate because he is responsible.” And not as Chancellor per se, but as head of the crisis team.”

Lots of interest in the Politics Live Podcast - one week before the election.

Lots of interest in the Politics Live Podcast – one week before the election.

© Klz/lisa Haindl

The political scientist did not focus so much on the immediate election results, but spoke of “the weeks after the election, which will be exciting and can give rise to new things.” Her forecast of the FPÖ’s possibilities is also exciting. And Stainer-Hämmerle sees this very clearly: “The question is, who will come together?” And perhaps the most interesting thing is: if the FPÖ comes second, its chance of being part of the government is greater than if it comes first. Because the substantive similarities with the ÖVP and FPÖ are already very great.

But the Greens have also developed well due to the current situation and could now play a stronger role in the coalition spokesperson. Of course, the SPÖ, the lack of the “Babler effect” and the opportunities for all the new candidates also had to be discussed. And all of this in 32 minutes.

Sharp questions – the Kleine Zeitung Würstelstand podcast on the election