
topicnews · September 22, 2024

GOP congressman in Michigan uncovers questionable election trick

GOP congressman in Michigan uncovers questionable election trick

There is no doubt that unsolicited mail-in ballots, sent out in their millions as a result of the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, marred the 2020 election. How else could President Joe Biden have garnered 81 million votes, more than any other president in American history?

Unfortunately for Democrats, the Wuhan Institute of Virology managed to avoid another timely leak, but that doesn’t mean Democrat-run states won’t flood the field with ballots again.

Just look at the crucial swing state of Michigan. The state’s Republican representative, Brad Paquette, said in a post on X that his mother received a mail-in ballot in her maiden name at his grandparents’ house, pointing directly at Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as he produced the receipts.

“My mother has not lived in my grandmother’s house since she was 19, 45 years ago. She has also been a paquette for 43 years,” he said. “An application for an absentee ballot was sent to my grandmother’s house under her maiden name, authorized by @GovWhitmer.”

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway responded to the post by noting that Democrats would once again rig the electoral process in a similar way to how they rig our immigration laws, and for the same reason – to stay in power.

“This is a great way to see Democrats win close elections, not so much through campaigning and persuasion, but rather through VOTING PROCESSES, which involve sending tens of millions of unattended mail-in ballots and/or absentee ballot applications to addresses in swing states,” Hemingway replied.

One thing seems certain: Americans have seen enough machinations surrounding our elections over the years to know that they are anything but free and fair.

Here is a short selection of reactions to the story as seen on X:


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