
topicnews · August 26, 2024

Say hello to the sniffer! PETA celebrates National Dog Day with tips on how to walk dogs properly

Say hello to the sniffer! PETA celebrates National Dog Day with tips on how to walk dogs properly

For immediate release:
26 August 2024

Nicole Pereira 202-483-7382


Just in time for National Dog Day (August 26), PETA is sharing tips on how you can help dogs enjoy the best life dailyThis includes letting them sniff freely while out for a walk, as sniffing is how they find out the latest news – it’s their version of social media. PETA points out that it is simply cruel that many dogs have to stare at a wall all day while waiting to see their owners – who they depend on to everything– only to then make a short and hasty excursion with a human who is impatient as they try to pick up the scents that give them information, instead of stopping, sniffing, and giving in to their natural urge to find out what’s going on in the neighborhood. PETA also shares a quirky video White Lotus director Michael White as a dog and The other two Actor Molly Shannon as his inattentive guardian, who finally realizes that locking White in a box and speeding up his walks is not the way anyone that are important to you.

Photo credit: PETA

PETA’s other top tips for celebrating National Dog Day all year long include the following:

  • Spend valuable time together. Take your dog out often and never let him “hold his bladder” all day as if he had a super-dog bladder. If you can’t walk him during the day, hire a professional dog walker, send him to a reputable doggy daycare, or ask a trusted friend to help. Liven up your dog’s life by taking him to new places like the beach, another park, or a restaurant with a pet-friendly outdoor patio. Give him opportunities to dig, play, bark, and meet other dogs.
  • Choose a comfortable harness. Studies show that a collar alone can damage the dog’s sensitive throat. Therefore, choose a safe chest harness – and never Use prong collars that control dogs through pain and fear.
  • Enrich your mind. Lick mats are a great way to mentally stimulate your dog to calm him down and combat his anxiety. Slow feeding bowls have a maze-like center that keeps dogs busy and prevents them from eating too quickly. You can even teach your dog to count and understand a large vocabulary like Chaser does.
  • For more tips, see PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s book Let’s have a dog party!Invite your human and animal friends to a themed party complete with tasty treats of all kinds. If your dog enjoys hiking, backpacking, or loves water, host a pool party.
  • Advocate for dogs. Dogs are sensitive and you are their hero, so never yell at them or hit them, that will break their spirits, and never crate them. Encourage people to keep their dogs indoors with the rest of the family and never chain them up, tie them up or lock them outside like an old bicycle.
  • Combat the pet overpopulation crisis. To prevent more dogs from being born into a world full of homeless dogs, always have your animal companions spayed or neutered, only adopt them from animal shelters, and never buy from breeders or pet stores.

“Imagine having to wait all day to see someone you love and depend on for food, water and bathroom breaks, and then you have Finally “They take you for a quick walk, bury their nose in their phone and tug on your neck to make you hurry,” says PETA’s Senior Vice President Daphna Nachminovitch. “On this National Dog Day and beyond, PETA urges everyone to treat dogs with respect and kindness, including by allowing them to choose the direction and pace of the dog’s journey.” her Walks and let them stop and sniff to their heart’s content.”

PETA – whose motto is, among other things, “Animals are not there to be mistreated in any way” –points out Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, see or follow the group on X, on facebook.or Instagram.