
topicnews · September 22, 2024

Patrice Aminati celebrates her cancer therapy with beer at the Oktoberfest in Munich

Patrice Aminati celebrates her cancer therapy with beer at the Oktoberfest in Munich

“No metastases, no tumor markers!”

Patrice Aminati celebrates her cancer therapy with beer at the Oktoberfest

Daniel and Patrice Aminati couldn’t be happier at the moment.


It’s time to celebrate – at least a little!

Patrice Aminati is now proving how beautiful and special a visit to the Oktoberfest in Munich can be. The 29-year-old is free of metastases and tumor markers after cancer treatment. A fact that simply has to be celebrated, and so the influencer even treats herself to a beer in the festival tent.

“We are incredibly grateful, because a few months ago our health wasn’t looking good at all!”

On September 18, Patrice Aminati explains to her Instagram followers: “Current status: no metastases, no tumor markers. What remains? Therapy continues to maintain the current status. The side effects are a rollercoaster ride. Tumor-free does not mean therapy-free. That applies to me and all other affected people too.”

And to celebrate this great success, the 29-year-old has now appeared at the Oktoberfest together with her husband Daniel. At the “Bild Wiesn” in the “Käfer Wiesn-Schänke”, Patrice says: “It’s so nice to get ready again.” And her husband added in an interview with Bild: “We are incredibly grateful, because a few months ago her health was not looking good at all.”

In the video: Patrice Aminati is free of metastases