
topicnews · September 22, 2024

SP National Councillor Jacqueline Badran is now a Tiktok Queen

SP National Councillor Jacqueline Badran is now a Tiktok Queen


Political explanatory videosJacqueline Badran is now a Tiktok queen

Her video on pension reform has already been viewed 143,000 times and the reactions in the comment columns are consistently positive: A SP National Councillor conquers Tiktok.

  • Jacqueline Badran’s video on the BVG reform has already been seen by 143,000 users on Tiktok.

  • Badran’s explanatory video on the 13th AHV pension did even better (153,000 views).

  • “For many young people, Tiktok is the main source of political information,” says influencer Flavien Gousset.

“Wow”, “Thanks Jackie!”, “I would love to do an internship with her”, “I think you’re super cool”: These are just some of the enthusiastic comments on Jacqueline Badran’s video on the BVG reform on Tiktok. It has already been viewed 143,000 times, making it the second most popular video on the SP Zurich channel. Badran’s explanatory video on the 13th AHV pension did even better (153,000 views).

The SP National Councillor uses glasses and banknotes to explain the complicated pension reform in simple terms. “Badran is competent, credible and can explain complex issues in an understandable way,” says Stefan Rüegger, deputy general secretary of the SP Canton of Zurich, to the “SonntagsZeitung”.

“For young people, Tiktok is the main source”

Flavien Gousset also reaches a large audience with his explanatory videos. The influencer explains voting proposals from his kitchen table. In his professional life, he manages the SP Switzerland’s Tiktok channel. “We are in competition with music videos, cooking tutorials and cat clips. So you have to look at what you are offering the party,” he told the “SonntagsZeitung”.

The SP Switzerland currently has 15,000 followers on Tiktok. With their presence on the social media platform, they will bring their politics closer to younger people. “For more and more young people, Tiktok is the main source of political information,” says Gousset.

Of the Swiss parties, the SVP has the most followers on Tiktok, namely 26,000. According to the newspaper, the other parties cannot keep up with the SVP and SP. The center does not yet have a channel at all at the national level. “At the moment we are prioritizing the media that best meet our strategic goals,” the party headquarters told the “SonntagsZeitung”.

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