
topicnews · September 22, 2024

Mainz: Discussion on Bi+ Visibility Day

Mainz: Discussion on Bi+ Visibility Day

25.09.2024, 19:00 Clock
Bar every view, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Event in the bar of every view

From the invitation: Bisexual people are the largest group within the LGBTQ community, making up an estimated 50-60%. Their portrayal in the media is underrepresented and heavily influenced by problematic stereotypes and prejudices. But even within the community, bisexual people still encounter incomprehension and mistrust. Unfortunately, experiences of discrimination are not uncommon.

On September 23rd it is Bi+ Visibility Day, the week after that is Bi+ Awareness Week. To mark this occasion, we want to create more visibility in the discussion with the newly founded Mainz Bi+ group (meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Bar jeder Sicht). What specific challenges do Bi+ people face outside and inside the community? What experiences have they had in different contexts? Today we want to exchange ideas with members of the Mainz Bi+ community.

Moderation: Anne-Sophie Tramer (Network for Lesbian Visibility by QueerNet RLP)