
topicnews · September 22, 2024

Eichsfeld News

Eichsfeld News

Sat, 5.33pm

21 September 2024

Consumer centers launch information campaign

Under the motto “Old mobile phone? Time for a comeback!”, the consumer centers are calling on consumers as part of the “German Sustainability Action Days” to use smartphones for longer and to resell, donate or properly dispose of discarded mobile phones… (red)

Sat, 4 p.m.

21 September 2024

ADAC Check current night train offers in Europe

Getting on the night train in the evening and arriving at your destination rested in the morning – a good 40 percent of Germans can imagine starting their vacation this way. The ADAC has tested how easy it is to make this wish for relaxed travel come true… (red)

Sat, 2.32pm

21 September 2024

State Forest publishes children’s book

The ThüringenForst has published its own children’s book. The volume, which is part of the PIXI children’s book series, tells how forester Lea goes on a treasure hunt in the forest with Mila, Niklas and Lotti. They experience great adventures together. The foresters see the booklet as a contribution to forest education… (red)

Sat, 12.47 pm

21 September 2024

Peter Blei on the road

On Friday afternoon, Peter Blei drove to Hufhaus to take a longer walk. He walked from Hufhaus to the Birkenmoor junction and then another kilometer towards Birkenmoor and back… (red)

Sat, 12.40 pm

21 September 2024

The weather – today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

Mostly sunny today. Temperature rise to 21 to 24, in the mountains to 18 to 21 degrees. Light to moderate east to southeast wind. Clear overnight into Sunday, with haze or fog forming in some areas. Lows 11 to 7 degrees. Light wind from various directions… (red)

Sat, 09.17 am

21 September 2024

nnz forum:

Germany was once the land of poets and thinkers. Today we are governed by a forgetful chancellor, a schoolmasterly perpetual flyer, a children’s book author who has no idea what Germany is all about and various college dropouts who can be denied any expertise… (psg)

Sat, 08.32 am

21 September 2024

NABU demands: Facts instead of populism

NABU Thuringia criticizes the ongoing controversy surrounding the wolf in Thuringia as pure populism, which is being carried out at the expense of a healthy coexistence between humans and nature. Given the fact that there are only a few wolves in Thuringia – around 15 – 20 animals – the hunting debate seems exaggerated and absurd… (red)

Sat, 08.00 am

21 September 2024

“Generation Rent”:

Fewer and fewer people can afford their own property, according to a new study by the German Economic Institute (IW). Young people are particularly affected. What is behind this and what politicians can do… (psg)

Sat, 06.47 am

21 September 2024

Increase of seven percent on average

Unpleasant news for tenants: A large number of landlords have recently increased their rent, as a survey by immowelt shows: In the past 12 months, 4 out of 10 private landlords in Germany have increased their rent… (red)

There is currently no survey.