
topicnews · September 21, 2024

American Football aktuell – New ELF franchise for 2025

American Football aktuell – New ELF franchise for 2025

New ELF franchise for 2025

One day before the grand finale of the 2024 European League of Football season, between Rhein Fire and the Vienna Vikings, fans receive good news from Denmark. Nordic Storm has been introduced as the newest expansion team and will be the 18th franchise of the ELF from 2025. Storm, based in Copenhagen, will be able to source its homegrown players from Denmark and Sweden, which should make the team a big name in the ELF.

“Our goal is to bring together the most talented Nordic players currently playing in ELF teams and in the national leagues across Europe to create the best American football team the Nordic countries have ever had,” said Michael Planeta, Chairman of Nordic Storm.

According to the press release, the franchise was founded by a group of international business people who say they have a burning passion for American football. They all have a personal connection to football. Some of them have played American football themselves, others have family members who are active players. In addition, a few founders already hold management positions in American football clubs. When they met, it became clear that they all had the same dream. They wanted to share their passion for American football with many more people in Scandinavia. Founding a professional football team that Nordic fans can identify with can be their big goal.

High demands
Nordic Storm’s management has high expectations of the future team’s performance. The goal is to make Nordic Storm a regular ELF playoff participant by 2030. Behind the ambitions for success in the ELF is the bold vision that Nordic Storm will drive the development of American football and its greatest talents from Scandinavia.

“Nordic Storm is not just a new ELF team, but a new chapter for American football in the Nordic countries, from grassroots to talent development and top-level sports entertainment.” also Planeta.

Fans can look forward to what the Copenhagen-based franchise will present in the coming weeks. The homegrown market is huge and offers enough potential to put together a strong team. With the Gladsaxe Stadium in Copenhagen, they have also presented a modern home stadium that is known for its lively atmosphere. According to Storm, the first game will take place in June 2025.

“The Nordic countries have a tradition of producing high-quality players and Nordic Storm will make the league even more exciting.” Is Commissioner Patrick Esume sure?

Footrest – 21.09.2024

Logo Nordic Storm

Logo Nordic Storm (© N. Storm)

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