
topicnews · September 21, 2024

Xenia Tchoumi takes issue with housewife trend – «own money»

Xenia Tchoumi takes issue with housewife trend – «own money»

Traditional housewives are taking over social media. This is a thorn in Xenia Tchoumi’s side. She believes that women should be financially independent.

Xenia Tchoumi criticizes the “tradwife” trend. – Instagram / @xenia

The most important things in brief

  • Young women present themselves as perfect housewives on social media.
  • Influencer Xenia Tchoumi finds the trend frightening.
  • She believed that women would forget the disadvantages of financial dependence.


They are young, beautiful, cook and clean for their husbands and generate millions of clicks. The “Tradwives” are currently conquering the Internet.

The term “tradwife” is made up of the words “traditional” and “wife”. In other words, a traditional and conservative wife.

“Tradwives,” like influencer Nara Smith (22, married with three children), seem to reject feminism.

They take care of the household and the children while their husbands bring home the money. They always look immaculately styled and made up, like the housewives in advertisements in the 1950s.

While many are celebrating this comeback of traditional gender roles, it is a thorn in the side of feminists like entrepreneur Xenia Tchoumi (formerly Tchoumitcheva).

On social media, the Ticino woman speaks out clearly against the “tradwife” trend. They call it a “trap”.

Xenia Tchoumi: “Everyone should earn their own money”

“I think every adult – male or female – has the opportunity to be financially independent and should earn their own money,” explains Xenia Tchoumi

Does your partner earn more money than you?

The Londoner warns young women against being dependent on their husbands just because it is “easier”. “So you end up in a less free but vulnerable situation.”

«Women forget all» disadvantages

For her, the “tradwife” trend is nostalgia that is being abused for political purposes. Tchoumi: “Women believe they had it better when they didn’t have to work – and forget all the disadvantages!”

After all, Swiss women were not allowed to vote or elect until 1971 and until 1976 married Swiss women were only allowed to open their own bank account with the permission of their husbands, argues the Ticino woman.

Xenia: “Such things go hand in hand with the ‘traditional’ way – you can’t decouple them and just pick out the nostalgically idealized parts. It doesn’t correspond to the reality of the ‘traditional’ role of a woman.”

She emphasizes that as a feminist she supports every woman who wants to be a housewife. Feminism only means equal rights for all and does not mean that every woman has to have a career. But you always have to be aware of the disadvantages.

“Mothers fought for this”

Xenia Tchoumi is in a long-term relationship and lives with her partner in the global metropolis of London. Could she imagine becoming a so-called “stay-at-home girlfriend”? “No,” the entrepreneur clarifies. “If I had the choice, I would never give up my financial freedom.”

Earning your own money is a “dream come true” that “our mothers and grandmothers fought so hard for,” says Xenia, adding: “And I understand why.”

“Children are expensive”

Despite being in a long-term relationship, Xenia Tchoumi does not want to get married and have children. She has spoken openly about this in the past.

She admits that as a childless woman, it is easier for her to be financially independent from her partner. “We shouldn’t kid ourselves – children are expensive.”

However, the entrepreneur believes that both parents should pay their share for the children. “We should all push for more laws that allow women to care for their children and have the opportunity to stay in the workforce or to get back into it without being penalized for it. But I think that should also apply to paternity leave.”



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Paternity leavefeminismInternetpartnerEyeXenia Tchoumi