
topicnews · September 21, 2024

TSV Buchholz 08: Buchholz gymnasts competing in the Bundesliga

TSV Buchholz 08: Buchholz gymnasts competing in the Bundesliga

The Lower Saxony selection, which started in the premier class of the first gymnastics league under the umbrella of TuS Vinnhorst, is entering the new league season as the fourth-placed team last year. The top gymnasts from TSV Buchholz 08 are also in the squad for the first league: Alexander Witte (29), Pablo Broszio (21), Gregory Keck (20), Timon Raunecker (19), Joris Grunwald (17) and youngster Max Henri Hermann (12 years old).

In the upper echelons of the first Bundesliga, not only the powerful Gregory Keck and chief tactician Reza Abbasian (also from Buchholz 08) are striving for the first opening victory on the first day of competition, on September 28th against Eintracht Frankfurt.

For the Lower Saxony team and the participating gymnasts from TSV Buchholz 08, the goal for the season is clearly defined: to stay in the league. After a few absences in the team due to illness, 17-year-old Joris Grunwald was the most eager point-gatherer from the young 08 gymnasts, winning seven score points. He was particularly impressive with a strong 11.90 points on the floor, an outstanding 12.20 points on the rings (two score points) and a spectacular five score points on the high bar (11.55).

This Saturday, September 21st, the women of the TSV in Dallenburg will continue their competition series in the eight-person relay of the third gymnastics league. (cc)

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