
topicnews · August 26, 2024

AEW All In 2024: Hot takes, biggest reactions and more? | Question of the day

AEW All In 2024: Hot takes, biggest reactions and more? | Question of the day

Welcome to another eWrestlingNews Question of the Day!

AEW All In 2024 was a jam-packed show at Wembley Stadium with multiple title changes, returns, debuts, and more. It was a lot to digest and will surely go down as one of All Elite Wrestling’s biggest events for many different reasons.

My question to you today is “What are your hottest views, strongest reactions, or other main talking points when discussing AEW All In? Did anything stand out to you as a particular high or low point? What were the most memorable aspects of the show?”

Remember to leave your answer in the comments below.

As for my answer…

I’m going to throw out most of my general thoughts on the review rather than focusing on just one of them.

  • Jamie Hayter’s return was great, even for someone like me who doesn’t worship the ground she ran on as champion, but I’m still glad to see her back.
  • Pac winning the Trios Titles along with Blackpool Combat Club was one of my favorite results. I really want him to just be a member of the BCC at this point as I think Pac gets lost in the crowd on his own. I will admit that I wish he didn’t have the All Out match with Will Ospreay coming up so he could focus on the Trios Titles and just have Ospreay face someone else. While they will have a good match, so could others in the same role and as it’s not in the UK there doesn’t seem to be any reason to go in that direction at the moment.
  • Mariah May winning the title doesn’t mean that much to me. Honestly, I feel like the TBS Championship is treated like the real top prize in the women’s division just because Mercedes Mone wins it. But man, the match with Britt Baker didn’t blow me away, so that wasn’t nearly the win for that division that it should have been in my opinion.
  • Hook regaining the FTW Championship is a good thing, but I’ve long since stopped believing he should retire the title or simply convert it to the equivalent of an AEW Hardcore Championship. If FTW rules don’t apply in every match, I just don’t see the point in having a fourth midcard belt.
  • The grizzled young veterans will put on a great show against the young Bucks, but it would be much better if they didn’t do that when both teams are villains. That would take away some of the fun of having someone to root for.
  • The Casino Gauntlet was a great segment. Although MJF vs. Ospreay and the main event were better matches, the Gauntlet had the best moments catering to the fans in my opinion.
  • Ricochet has a better logo here in AEW and I’m excited to see him fight, but I’m the guy who says his potential will be exactly the same as he was in WWE. He’ll be in the midcard and flirt with the upper midcard scene to get a few world championship matches here and there, but he won’t win the big time.
  • Zack Sabre Jr. showing up was cool, but I’m disappointed that nothing else was set up leading into Dynasty in January. If this was an elimination match, someone like Ricochet could have pinned him and then used that as justification for a challenge for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship (assuming ZSJ wins it and retains it through Wrestle Kingdom).
  • The fact that Nigel McGuinness was able to wrestle was what gave me the most joy that night, even though I haven’t even seen more than a dozen of his fights. I just love it when people who have been forced to give up their careers can get back in the ring and start something new. Hopefully this won’t be the last we see of him.
  • Honestly, I’m disappointed that Daniel Garcia didn’t go to WWE. With no sustainable, meaningful push from AEW, I think he’ll fight MJF at All Out and by the time Full Gear comes around, he won’t even be on the card. However, I think he would be a great champion and would progress further in his career if he went to NXT. Oh well. At least he’s here and not somewhere else.
  • Bryan Danielson’s win is great. I love him. But damn, the storyline made me nervous because every time he wins a major title in this situation, something happens to him. I hope he can get his run right and it ends as planned instead of injuries messing everything up.
  • Texas won’t be as good next year, but Forbidden Door will be better. Overall, it’s an even match. And while there was some great stuff at that event, nothing comes close to how I felt at WrestleMania XL in terms of the strongest reactions from me as a fan.

What do you think? Write your thoughts below!