
topicnews · August 26, 2024

Are teenage girls attracted to disrespectful boys? Study answers the question why this happens

Are teenage girls attracted to disrespectful boys? Study answers the question why this happens

August 26, 2024, 2:36 PM IST

Healthy teenage relationships are often dismissed as boring by peer groups, leading boys and girls to seek out relationships that are full of chaos.

After a certain age, girls are often bombarded with messages, calls, and DMs from boys who adopt a certain demeaning tone and attitude toward them, but also call them attractive. A recent study shows that teenage girls are often attracted to this attitude in boys and tend to get attached to them. As self-harming as it sounds, this is exactly what happens in reality. The study also answered why this happens. This attitude from boys, who are quietly violent and disrespectful by nature, can appear in different environments and situations. This connection is called coercive dominant discourse.

The violent nature of boys can be expressed by bragging about other acquaintances, showing contempt toward the girl they are dating, or making condescending comments about their appearance. (Unsplash)

This study also indicated that when teenage girls are exposed to this attitude from boys over a long period of time, they can become attracted to it – leading to toxic emotional and sexual relationships. This discourse often manifests itself in certain peer groups and leads girls into contemptuous relationships that can be extremely violent – both physically and emotionally.

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The study was conducted with 59 boys and 71 girls from three different secondary schools, all between the ages of 15 and 16.

Peer pressure

Often, the peer group that the girl belongs to begins to normalize and justify boys’ violence. As a result, they fall prey to this discourse and enter into relationships with boys who are disrespectful. Even if they are not interested, peer pressure can be a compelling reason why they want to fit in by getting involved with a boy who displays such a degrading attitude. The same is true for boys – their peer group begins to normalize that they must display a violent attitude towards girls in order to attract them.

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How a compelling dominant discourse works

When a girl and a boy are in a healthy relationship during their teenage years, they are often labeled as boring by their peers. This drives them to seek out relationships where chaos reigns. The violent nature of boys may manifest itself in bragging to other acquaintances, showing contempt towards the girl they are dating, or making demeaning comments about her appearance.

Heal the consequences of a compulsive, dominant discourse

Such a relationship can have significant health consequences – chronic pain, increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases, depression and suicidal tendencies.

ALSO READ: The vicious cycle of an unhealthy relationship

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