
topicnews · September 20, 2024

American Football aktuell – Ten Fire players in the ELF All-Star team

American Football aktuell – Ten Fire players in the ELF All-Star team

Ten Fire players in the ELF All-Star team

Two days before the championship game of the European League of Football, ten Rhein Fire players have reason to celebrate. In the election of the All Star team, in addition to Glenn Toonga, who was voted the best running back of the ELF, nine other players from the 2023 champions were named. The same All Stars include eight “Vikings”, players from the Vienna Vikings, who will be the Fire’s final opponents on Sunday, September 22, 2024, in the Gelsenkirchen Arena at Schalke.

As in the previous year, the Fire offensive line players, who are not usually in the spotlight despite their important role in protecting quarterback Jadrian Clark and as blockers for Toonga, were honored. Guard Nick Wiens was again the first choice in 2023, center David Weinstock and tackle Arnoud Holierhoek are on the A team of All-Stars for the first time. Tackle Sven Breidenbach, who is on the B team, is another protégé of offensive line coach Erol Seval who is honored.

Of the defenders, defense tackle Hugo Klages and, as in 2023, safety Omari Williams made it to the A team. Multi-talented Sebastian van Santen, who mainly works as a kicker at Fire, was voted best punter. With pass rusher Aaron Donkor and inside linebacker Marius Kensy, two other Rhinelanders belong to the B team. Although inside linebacker Kensy is ‘actually’ not a Rhinelander: the Gelsenkirchen native has a real ‘finale dahoam’ on Sunday and can show what he can do in his hometown for the first time in almost ten years.

Tillman – 20.09.2024

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