
topicnews · September 20, 2024

More details about the new Battlefield: Better destruction, 45 weapons and F2P Battle Royale mode

More details about the new Battlefield: Better destruction, 45 weapons and F2P Battle Royale mode

After the first details about the next Battlefield were announced earlier this week, both EA at the Investor Day and Battlefield insider Tom Henderson on his” further information and rumors about the new Battlefield have been published.

Content and Studios

As previously reported, in addition to a “Battlefield Tech Team” that is available to all studios to support the technological basis and provide tools, four studios are responsible for the new Battlefield:

Teaser image with studio logos (Image: EA)
  • DICE has taken care of preparing the classic multiplayer modes.
  • Motive, the developers who were responsible for the Dead Space Remake and Star Wars: Squadrons, are working on the single-player content.
  • Criterion will use its experience from Star Wars: Battlefront and the official Battlefields to support both of the aforementioned studios and will work on both single-player and multiplayer content.
  • However, Ripple Effect is working on a “new Battlefield experience“According to current reports and industry insiders, this will likely be a free-to-play Battle Royale mode with a premium model, similar to the mode of the competitor Call of Duty: Warzone.

Story framework and locations

According to Battlefield insider Tom Hendersonwho was already largely correct with his advance information about Battlefield 2042, the story is set to take place between 2027 and 2030 and will thematically deal with a conflict between a private military organization and NATO.

It has now been confirmed that the teaser image released at the beginning of the week is a coast in Gibraltar. Two other teaser images were also shown in the livestream. According to Reddit users, one of them may indicate Egypt or another country in the Near or Middle East as another setting. In principle, there are supposed to be many places around the world, including the USA, which will also serve as a location for the free-to-play Battle Royale mode.

More maps and more weapons right from the start

Battlefield 2042 only had seven new multiplayer maps and just over 20 weapons at release. According to current information, the new Battlefield will include around ten maps in classic multiplayer battles at release, meaning it will offer roughly the same scope at release as Battlefield 1, Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4. In addition, 45 weapons will be included in the game at launch to offer players more variety than in the direct predecessor.

More (and more realistic) destruction

EA not only wants to go back to the roots in terms of content, the theme itself is said to have been destroyed by the developers. After the dynamic destruction options had gradually decreased with the last parts of the series, the talk is now of “Caliber-based destruction” There was also talk of a destruction model that caused different damage depending on the caliber of the projectile. Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six: Siege uses a similar model to simulate destruction.

There is also an internal initiative to design the gameplay in such a way that it automatically allows for more so-called “Battlefield Moments”. “Battlefield Moments” are particularly crazy or impressive moments that can happen spontaneously during the multiplayer match and are remembered.

“Find the Fun”: Extensive testing before release

“Find the fun”
“Find the fun” (Image: EA)

During his appearance at Investor Day, Battlefield General Manager Byron Beede never tired of pointing out that not only has the team been testing the game internally for over a year, but some players are already involved (most likely under strict NDA). He also stated that the wider community will be involved in development as early as early 2025. This could either take the form of extensive alpha and beta testing phases, or (more likely and already suspected) the return of the so-called “Community Test Environment” or a similar preview system for test builds, as exists in Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1.

Voting on nomination

Apparently, the team has once again put the name of the new Battlefield in the hands of the community: There were apparently several surveys in which respondents were asked to choose which title they liked better: “Battlefield 6” or simply “Battlefield”.

If you were a participant in the surveys mentioned and could choose: What name would you prefer for the new Battlefield?

It will be interesting to see what news will be revealed about the game in the coming weeks and months.