
topicnews · September 20, 2024

Sounding interior for inside and outside

Sounding interior for inside and outside

IMA (Institute for Media Archaeology) and supertisch are making a contribution to the lively city center of St. Pölten. Supertisch, the first shop on the new Domplatz, produces and sells office furniture and glass walls for comfortable workplaces. IMA produces and distributes sound art to enliven the auditory corridors. In this cooperation, supertisch provides the indoor and outdoor space for the artists invited by IMA and their sound furniture specially developed for this ambience.

Chris Janka uses thermodynamics and natural vibration to make a chandelier made of glass tubes sound. Ulla Rauter’s folding screen becomes a Parlavent, a talking privacy screen that observes what is happening on the street with a camera and whispers the image description created by an AI into the interior of the shop. Klaus Filip’s chairs, equipped with lifting magnets, become sounding dancing chairs through an experimentally determined choreography of linear movements, turns and small jumps.

At the vernissage on October 24, Ioana Vreme Moser will also show her performance “Coquetta,” in which not only make-up utensils are made to sound.

Sound furniture by Chris Janka, Ulla Rauter and Klaus Filip can be seen and heard until the end of the exhibition on December 19th.