
topicnews · September 20, 2024

Sebastian Ofner has to undergo a second operation

Sebastian Ofner has to undergo a second operation

After the old pain in his left heel, which had already been operated on for the first time in 2021, recurred, Sebastian Ofner went under the knife on September 13. “The operation went well and the doctor is very happy with the result. He is currently still walking around with a special shoe, but the suture has already healed very well,” reports Moritz Thiem, the manager of Austria’s number one.

However, it is not the only operation that the Styrian has to undergo: Thiem: “Sebastian has the same problem with his right foot. It was never that bad, but the problem still exists and the pain does not completely go away. After thorough discussions and given the timing, we have decided that he will undergo a second operation on the other foot in just under three weeks.”

The earliest possible comeback date is in January at the Australian Open. “But we will make sure that he has enough time to fully recover, even if it takes longer,” says Thiem.