
topicnews · September 20, 2024

What the launch of the ride-hailing service Uber in Leipzig means for the taxi industry and passengers

What the launch of the ride-hailing service Uber in Leipzig means for the taxi industry and passengers

However: “We have seen in other cities in the past that Uber taxis are not getting a single customer into their vehicle via the app. It is a predatory competition. It is about the existing customers. (…) There is no more money being pumped into the existing taxi system.”

No own drivers and vehicles in Leipzig

Unlike everywhere else, Uber does not bring its own drivers. The company simply arranges for taxis in Leipzig, which already exist. The city of Leipzig told MDR AKTUELL that Uber has not yet applied for a taxi license. There are currently 541 licenses in the trade fair city. No new ones are currently being issued.

Uber itself argues that it is targeting a different target group than, for example, the existing taxi hotlines. Spokesman Oliver Fritz explains that taxi drivers get more business because: “The target group that uses the Uber app is young, mostly tech-savvy and has already used the app in other cities. Imagine: The cheap one from the USA” “may already have the app pre-installed, but may not know the local taxi number.”

Fritz admits that there is certainly competition with taxi companies. However, he expects the market to continue to grow.

Cases of dependency due to Uber?

Taxi drivers who want to take part in the service register with Uber for free via a platform. For each ride arranged through Uber, the company is charged a fee of five percent of the fare.