
topicnews · September 20, 2024

A Diversity Day is celebrated at Linamar with “Bullshit” cards

A Diversity Day is celebrated at Linamar with “Bullshit” cards

  1. come on
  2. Lennetal
  3. Plettenberg

In Balloonland, the “Bullshit” cards could be discovered and prejudices cleared up. © Linamar

It is not only the state elections in Thuringia and Saxony that have shown that Germany is undergoing a shift to the right. Opponents of cultural diversity are becoming more numerous and louder. Not only a significant part of society is fighting against this, but also a large number of companies – if only because without immigration even fewer jobs could be filled. Linamar is one of these companies. People from 24 different nations are now celebrating “Diversity Day” here.

Plettenberg – In addition, Linamar has joined the “Charter of Diversity” – an employer initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions. The aim is to create a working environment that is free of prejudice.

Linamar in Plettenberg employs employees from 24 nations: Albania, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Germany, Gambia, Great Britain, France, Greece, Italy, Canada, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Croatia, Morocco, Austria, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Serbia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and Hungary. On “Diversity Day” everyone was invited to discover the cultural differences.

The diverse soup kitchen also made the day a culinary event. Brandt
The diverse soup kitchen also made the day a culinary event. © Linamar

Linamar had already defined diversity as an important goal in 2013. Studies have shown that diversity makes groups of people more creative and successful. Linamar wants to be an interesting employer, especially for international specialists and people with a migration background.

“Bullshit” cards

How to deal with critical voices in the company and motivate colleagues to work for diversity could be discovered in Balloonland. A lot of stupid sayings were found on the “bullshit” cards that were attached to large balloons. The dissolution of prejudices through facts and arguments can then be found on the back of the cards.

The culinary program was rounded off by the diverse soup kitchen, which had three different international soup recipes ready for tasting. You can taste variety.