
topicnews · September 20, 2024

Dating show star suspected of sabotage – or was it due to his comprehension?

Dating show star suspected of sabotage – or was it due to his comprehension?

Money or love? In the RTL+ format “Are You The One? Reality Stars In Love” you can theoretically win both. To do this, however, the group has to pull together – but in the eyes of the others, some of them seemed to consider their personal lovemaking more important than the collective victory…

Countdown to the RTL+ dating chaos “Are You The One? Reality Stars In Love” – and everyone is getting nervous. Will the group succeed in jackpot of currently 110,000 euros? And will everyone die couple stay in love in everyday life? Double episode 9 weeks ago, amateur psychologist Antonino De Niro (27) made a gloomy love prognosis. But more on that later.

First, the group not only found their third “perfect match” with Tim Kühnel (27) and Linda Voilet (23), but also revealed the double match: According to psychologists, Tim was also suited to Linda and Dana Feist (28), with whom he had actually been closely involved recently. It was great for both of them that they could now move out of the villa together. It was a shame that Dana didn’t get a cent of the winnings.

But it was not yet clear whether the group would guess all ten psychologically determined “dream couples” in the end. Die-hard AYTO viewers know that this usually requires a master brain that cleverly combines and selects the correct Combinations In this season, Tim and perhaps Linda would have been the ones most likely to do it. Will it work without them?

Many problematic couples …

But back to the couples: We have about Kaan Aktas (27), who basically already realized that with him and Tabitha of Tara (31) would probably be “very difficult” in the long run. He had hardly decided to tell her that when she told him that Result their own Considerations with – they want to give the whole thing a chance. Kaan not contradict, and so everything remained the same.

Even for Jenny Iglesias (25) and Lukas Baltruschat (31), there was no end to the eternal Cycle disappointment and forgiveness in sight. That Lukas cannot be as physically faithful as she would like, and that he is a psychological manipulation inclined, Jenny had actually understood long ago and repeatedly the now really absolute end of her flirtation announced – only to collapse again a short time later.

Couple number 3 wasn’t really a couple, as both of them always stressed that they had no deep feelings for each other – which may even have been true in Lars Maucher’s (27) case, but her husband Gabby Alves-Rrodrigues (23) was slowly losing weight. And not because of their different libidinous needs (she wants it all the time, he needs breaks), but because she was always very upset when Lars turned to other ladies…

Antonino’s love prognosis

Everything was difficult, as mentioned above, even Antonino found, who only had a single couple with long-term Love happiness Marc-Robin Wenz (29) and Asena Neuhoff (27), who couldn’t keep their hands off each other and seemed refreshingly relaxed. Antonino saw no chance for Jenny and Lukas in particular: “There’s simply more missing than there is. I think that Lukas and Jenny have no potential for real life because they’re just too different.” One would like to agree with him – if it weren’t for the rumor that the two actually became a couple after the season.

Another duo that we didn’t quite understand are Laura Morante (33) and Nikola Glumac (28), who had only found each other late in the season but now seemed inseparable. Whether they were a “perfect match” would only be revealed at the very end. They were not allowed to be chosen for the same season a second time because of Gabby’s previous “Matchbox” sale.

Niko chooses the wrong picture

The group wanted to send Niko and Nadja Großmann (24) there, but to do so, they had to work together to Challenge Tricky: This time the ladies had to paint Niko and Lars and then choose them based on the pictures of their date partners. “I’ll paint a fish,” Nadja whispered to Niko so that he Picture would recognize.

But he didn’t do that and instead chose the Picture Wade catcher “Laura brunette”. Coincidence or fate? Neither, the group believed and assumed Niko sabotageHe intentionally did not mention Nadja’s Picture Because spending time with Laura M. was more important to him than gaining new knowledge for the group! Niko felt he was being treated unfairly and, given his otherwise not particularly quick comprehension, it can be assumed that he did not actually give in to the fish clue. But whether it was stupidity or calculation: “It’s annoying!”, thought Gabby.

In the end, Lars and Laura “Laura blond” Lettgen (28) inevitably ended up in the next “Matchbox”. We’ll find out next week whether they are the fourth “Perfect Match”. One more double episode and one reunion episode, then the dating nightmare will be over. Phew!