
topicnews · September 19, 2024

I have been drinking apple cider vinegar every day for a month – and my well-being has improved so much

I have been drinking apple cider vinegar every day for a month – and my well-being has improved so much

I also had the impression that the subsequent Breakfast digested better and faster Because of my rather sensitive stomach, I usually feel full after a classic breakfast of bread rolls. This has completely disappeared during the entire apple cider vinegar phase, at least in the first half of the day – even after rather hearty breakfast foods.

After four weeks of the apple cider vinegar treatment, I definitely had the impression that the treatment had Overall intestinal health improved Has, which I personally consider to be a great success.

I noticed that in the very month that I did the apple cider vinegar self-test, several friends and family members in my immediate circle had colds or even some kind of summer flu.

Unusually, I am free from any infections and Spared from colds. Of course, I don’t know for sure whether my strong immune system is due to the apple cider vinegar treatment or something else.

Tips for an apple cider vinegar treatment

Protect tooth enamel: For drinking the vinegar, it may be useful to have a straw to protect your teeth from the acid. However, I personally don’t think that this is really an improvement because it makes drinking take even longer, which was rather unwelcome for me at least, given the taste.

Making taste bearable

Anyone who wants to can Drink something sweet, for example with honey, agave syrup or maple syrup. This will soften the sour taste a little.

The Dilute vinegar with more water, By the way, it’s not very helpful because the very sour aftertaste remains, but you just have to drink more of it. The good old holding your nose trick was the best tactic for me personally to drink my daily ration of apple cider vinegar.

It is very pleasant if you immediately afterwards (even while holding your nose) Glass of water afterwards – then the stinging sensation in the upper part of the nose disappears.

Incorporate apple cider vinegar into dishes

But maybe you are too afraid of drinking the vinegar-water mixture. Then you can also easily increase your daily ration of apple cider vinegar in delicious recipes. For example, you can dressing Replace the vinegar with apple cider vinegar – its fruity note makes salads really delicious, especially in summer.

But also in Pastries Like bread, rolls or baguettes, you can add about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the dough. The fruity vinegar imitates the taste of sourdough and gives a wonderful, light acidity.


For the self-test, I drank my apple cider vinegar drink every morning for four weeks. Personally, this month-long treatment did me a lot of good and I would choose to take it for a limited period of time again next time.

Of course, you can also drink apple cider vinegar every day, without any time limit. Just choose the form, the direction and your body well.

Accompanying other treatments

I can imagine the apple cider vinegar cure being particularly useful as an accompaniment to another beneficial treatment. For example, I once took apple cider vinegar alongside an alkaline fast, and the two complemented each other very well.

But the daily intake of apple cider vinegar can also be easily integrated into a juice diet, clean eating diet or similar.

What you should pay attention to when buying apple cider vinegar

We introduce the vinegar into our bodies in the hope that it will have a positive effect on our health and well-being. Therefore, when buying apple cider vinegar, it is worth paying attention to a good quality Some very low-priced products are made only from apple scraps or even just from concentrate.

You will get the abundance of nutrients and good vinegar bacteria if you make sure that the vinegar from whole fruits manufactured and not pasteurized, has also been heated. It is also recommended to cloudy apple cider vinegar to choose, since no valuable particles were filtered out of it.

If you want to be on the safe side when it comes to quality, you should choose a Product in organic quality You can find naturally cloudy organic apple cider vinegar in organic supermarkets, health food stores, drugstores or, of course, online (for example here at Amazon).