
topicnews · September 19, 2024

RTL+: Stronger start for Stefan Raab – RTL shares not impressed – ProSieben surprised

RTL+: Stronger start for Stefan Raab – RTL shares not impressed – ProSieben surprised

On Wednesday evening, Stefan Raab’s new show flickered across the screens for the first time on the streaming service RTL+. “You won’t win the million with Stefan Raab” gave RTL+ a record new start. However, RTL shares were unimpressed on Thursday. In the SDAX, however, competitor ProSiebenSat.1 was surprisingly strong.

Stefan Raab is back in town! The Berliner Morgenpost even started a live blog. Raab’s new show “DGHNDMBSR” has been running live on RTL+ every Wednesday at 8:10 p.m. since September 18, 2024. The parent company has offered the entertainer a highly lucrative 5-year contract (DER AKTIONÄR reported). After about ten years of abstinence from live TV appearances, his comeback has given the streaming provider its best new start yet. The parent company RTL in Cologne did not give any absolute figures one day after the pilot episode of “Du gewinnst hier nicht die Million bei Stefan Raab”, but at least let a few data leak out.

“73 percent of the subscriptions were sold to new customers, the rest were returnees who came back to RTL+ for Stefan Raab,” reported the media company. Stefan Raab also hit social media “like a comet”: over 465 million contacts have been on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube and Co since the boxing evening on Saturday. The streaming subsidiary RTL+ says it currently has 5.6 million paying subscribers.

However, the RTL share price was unimpressed on Thursday, at 30.50 euros. The MDAX share was already at this high on Wednesday afternoon. The announcement of Raab’s return had already caused a price boost last Monday.

Noteworthy: The share of RTL competitor ProSiebenSat.1 Media – Stefan Raab had once ensured enormous ratings on Pro7 – was one of the biggest daily winners in the SDAX on Thursday with a price increase of more than five percent to 5.68 euros.

ProSiebenSat.1 Media
(WKN: PSM777)

At Pro7, Sebastian Pufpaff continues the old Raab format “TV total”, which was broadcast on free TV at the same time as Raab’s new show on Wednesday evening. And the show did surprisingly well against the streaming competition. 1.05 million viewers (4.6 percent) tuned in yesterday from 8:15 p.m. This puts Pufpaff at about the same ratings level as he had previously achieved.

According to ProSiebenSat.1, 12.4 percent (570,000 people) of the target group between the ages of 14 and 49, which is important for advertising revenue, were involved. As the industry portal When analyzed, this means that in this younger target group there was a one percentage point drop compared to the previous week. However, when looking at the “TV total” ratings two weeks ago, Pufpaff increased by one percentage point in this age group.

Both media stocks have performed poorly so far this year. While ProSieben has at least shown a small increase since the beginning of the year, RTL shares are around 15 percent below the end of the year. DER AKTIONÄR advises caution with both stocks. A long-term entry is only worthwhile when clear buy signals become visible (for example when the GD200 is overcome). Short-term trading opportunities can always arise.

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(With material from dpa-AFX)

Reference to conflicts of interest
The CEO and majority shareholder of the publisher Börsenmedien AG, Mr. Bernd Förtsch, has directly and indirectly taken positions in the following financial instruments mentioned in the publication or derivatives related to them, which can benefit from any effects of a price development resulting from the publication: RTL Group, ProSiebenSat.1 Medien.

The editor-in-chief of this publication, Mr. Leon Müller, has directly or indirectly taken positions in the following financial instruments or derivatives related to them mentioned in the publication, which can benefit from any effects on the price development caused by the publication: ProSiebenSat.1 Media.