
topicnews · September 19, 2024

The goals of the top candidates from Urfahr area at a glance

The goals of the top candidates from Urfahr area at a glance

URFAHR ENVIRONMENTOn Sunday, September 29th, Austria will elect a new National Council. For weeks, the parties have been courting the voters’ favor and presenting themselves and their election programs. In the Tips Talk for the National Council election, a little help is offered in making a decision by introducing the regional top candidates of the five major parties (ÖVP, SPÖ, FPÖ, Greens and Neos) from the Urfahr-Umgebung district.

Tips asked Claudia Plakolm from the ÖVP, Martin Seidl from the SPÖ, Günter Pröller from the FPÖ, Julia Reiter from the Greens and Georg Weichhart from the Neos about their most important goals in the region on the topics of infrastructure, education, social issues and climate change/climate protection. For all undecided voters, the answers from the politicians from the district can be a little help in knowing where to put their cross on election day and who to support with their vote.

What are your personal goals for the Urfahr-Umgebung district: in terms of infrastructure and transport?

Claudia Plakolm, ÖVP: There are many commuters in our district. Other parties want to abolish the commuter allowance. Commuting costs people an insane amount of time and money. Many people depend on their cars and should not be burdened any more.¶

Martin Seidl, SPÖ: The light rail to Pregarten/Gallneukirchen has absolute priority, as does the connection of the Mühlkreis train station to the city bus network, also in the direction of Industriezeile. There is a lot to do with regard to the cycle paths, especially along the B125 and B126.¶

Günter Pröller, FPÖ: We are committed to developing safer roads, more efficient public transport (Regional Tram) and faster broadband connections. Our priority is to relieve congestion and promote efficient infrastructure.¶

Julia Reiter, Green Party: Public transport needs to be expanded and the problem of the “last mile” needs to be solved. For many people, the stretch of road from their front door to the train or bus is a real hurdle to accessing public transport. We need more commuter parking spaces and bicycle parking facilities.

Georg Weichhart, Neos: In order to increase the attractiveness of the region, we call for the expansion of public transport and a shorter frequency. Commuting to and from Linz must be improved; this will enhance the district and increase the quality of life.¶

In terms of education?

Claudia Plakolm, ÖVP: The whole world envies us for our apprenticeships. Apprenticeships are plan A for practical vocational training. This should be made a much bigger topic in schools so that more young people decide to do an apprenticeship.¶

Martin Seidl, SPÖ: Education begins in kindergarten, and free provision with appropriate lessons and high educational quality must be guaranteed across the board. This requires good framework conditions for the staff.

Günter Pröller, FPÖ: Our goal is to strengthen local schools and promote practical, future-oriented education. We call for smaller class sizes, more digital equipment and an increased focus on apprenticeships and STEM subjects.¶

Julia Reiter, Green Party: The opening hours of kindergartens and crèches must meet modern requirements. As a young, working woman, I know that well-developed childcare is essential for balancing work and family.

Georg Weichhart, Neos: We want a modern school system with the best educational opportunities, more school autonomy, and a legal right to childcare from the first birthday. An opportunity index should support schools with challenges and offer equal starting opportunities.¶

In terms of social issues?

Claudia Plakolm, ÖVP: The age curve shows that there will be more older people. I am currently responsible for the community service. The community service is the headhunter for recruiting young men for the social sector. That is why the community service should be further strengthened.¶

Martin Seidl, SPÖ: The creation of appropriate care structures in old people’s and nursing homes in the district, counselling services in the communities and ensuring local health care through general practitioners and specialists on a statutory health insurance basis.¶

Günter Pröller, FPÖ: The aim is to strengthen the social network by providing targeted support to families, seniors and people in difficult life situations. Affordable housing, adequate care options and the maintenance of regional health services are important to us.¶

Julia Reiter, Green Party: Social life is always directly linked to the accessibility of community. Especially for young and older people, my goal is to promote their independence and ensure accessibility to group activities, friends, etc. ¶

Georg Weichhart, Neos: We need more local authority autonomy in terms of finances in order to create new scope for action in the area of ​​child education and care. This area is the most important investment in the future and enables real freedom of choice.¶

With regard to climate protection and climate change?

Claudia Plakolm, ÖVP: Climate protection is important to me. We need common sense. Rules that are too strict will lead to businesses and jobs moving away. Public transport must be developed. We need to quickly implement the Linz Stadtbahn as a hub for UU.¶

Martin Seidl, SPÖ: Attracting public transport, creating footpaths and cycle paths, supporting the use of alternative forms of energy and moving away from soil sealing and rezoning in order to prevent further urban sprawl and soil sealing.¶

Günter Pröller, FPÖ: Our approach: to pursue ideology-free climate protection with a sense of home. This includes the expansion of renewable energies without burdening the regional economy. We rely on local initiatives: reforestation projects and sustainable agriculture.¶

Julia Reiter, Green Party: Real climate protection requires many measures. Among them is significantly more soil protection. Wasting more and more valuable soil threatens our regional food supply, our groundwater and the biodiversity in the district.¶

Georg Weichhart, Neos: We rely on renewable energies and sustainable mobility. With a revenue-neutral CO2 tax, we want to promote climate-friendly innovations, reduce soil sealing and make the district more environmentally friendly and livable.¶