
topicnews · September 19, 2024

20 September: Parking Day and Residential Street Day together for the first time in Vienna

20 September: Parking Day and Residential Street Day together for the first time in Vienna

On Friday, Vienna’s streets will once again become lively meeting places: The international “Parking Day” and Residential Street Day will take place together for the first time. Both action days stand for more open space and neighborly cooperation. Parking spaces, neighborhood oases and residential streets will become creative meeting places for the Viennese population for one day.

VIENNA. On September 20th, Vienna’s streets will once again be transformed into lively meeting zones: The international “Parking Day” is returning and this year will be celebrated together with Residential Street Day for the first time. Both action days set an example for more open space and neighborly cooperation. Parking spaces, neighborhood oases and selected residential streets will become meeting points for one day with creative ideas from the Viennese population.

“It is very important to me that as many citizens as possible have the opportunity to contribute and implement their own ideas. It is therefore particularly motivating to see that so many Viennese people are getting involved on Parking Day and Residential Street Day and are “actively helping to shape their own city. A big thank you to all Viennese people who are committed to their neighborhood with a lot of passion,” emphasizes the Climate and Democracy Councilor. Jürgen Czernohorszky (SPÖ).

Parking Day, which has been celebrated in over 160 cities worldwide since 2005, transforms parking spaces into meeting areas. Originally started in San Francisco, the day shows that streets can be more than just parking spaces. In Vienna, the Grätzloasen offer a varied program on Parking Day with live music, swap meets and workshops to show how versatile parking spaces can be used.

Residential Street Day was launched in 2018 by “space and place” and highlights the potential of Vienna’s residential streets. Residents and interested parties plan joint activities such as courses, workshops and picnics to actively use the streets and raise awareness of the opportunities on their own doorstep.

“Parking Day is growing from year to year and that’s a good thing! Through the cooperation with Residential Street Day, we can exploit the full potential of Vienna’s streets and squares this year and show how lively public space can be. With this joint day of action, we want to send a strong message: Public space is valuable and belongs to all of us,” emphasizes Sabrina HalkicManaging Director of Local Agenda 21.

Diverse program in Vienna’s neighborhood oasis and residential streets

On September 20, activities will transform numerous parking lots and residential streets into lively neighborhood spaces. Here is a selection of the program items:

Park(ing) Day in RH5H – Your idea for a climate-fit Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
Climate City Councillor Jürgen Czernohorszky and District Mayor Dietmar Baurecht visit the parklet “Terrazza di Fenzi”, where citizens can contribute ideas for a climate-friendly Rudolfheim-Fünfhaus.
Location: Fenzlgasse 38, 1150 Vienna
Time: 5.30pm

The first apple juice filling station at the new building
Freshly pressed apple juice from old varieties, with fruit that residents can also bring along.
Location: Bandgasse 2, 1070 Vienna
Time: 4 – 6 pm

First Viennese residential street district: Burjanplatz
A colorful afternoon with obstacle courses, clothing swaps, games, concerts and much more.
Location: Burjanplatz, 1150 Vienna
Time: 2.30 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Compliments clothesline at Gretl Parklet
Loving compliments to take away, plus refreshing drinks and snacks.
Location: Einsiedlerplatz 7, 1050 Vienna
Time: 2 – 4 p.m.

All information and the program for Parking Day and Residential Street Day can be found here.

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