
topicnews · September 19, 2024

CSU parliamentary group: “Create the best conditions for start-ups in Bavaria”

CSU parliamentary group: “Create the best conditions for start-ups in Bavaria”

Retreat of the CSU parliamentary group: “Creating the best conditions for start-ups in Bavaria”

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“Land of founding, land of the future!” This is the slogan for the working meeting of the CSU parliamentary group, which will take place from 17 to 19 September 2024 in Banz Monastery.

From the perspective of the CSU parliamentary group, the general conditions are difficult for the German economy, as it shrank in the second quarter of 2024. The outlook is bleak and from the perspective of the CSU, there will be no more recovery with this federal government. The reason: the disunity and dispute between the traffic light parties, coupled with ideology and a planned economy, are destroying any planning perspective for our companies.

Jobs and growth cannot be created in this environment. The industry produced alarmingly less than before the corona pandemic, the number of industrial jobs fell noticeably. And promising start-ups are moving away because they find a better environment elsewhere.

Bavaria is the counter-model to the traffic light

The CSU parliamentary group: “We in Bavaria are and will remain the counter-model to the traffic light coalition. We promote innovations and new technologies and thus ensure the future viability of our economy – with targeted impulses for start-ups and founders of all ages and orientations. We want to take a different path than the federal government. The best example is our high-tech agenda. We act and invest in the future.”

Klaus Holetschek, CSU parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian State Parliament : “With targeted incentives for start-ups and founders, we want to take a different path in Bavaria than the federal government.” Start-ups and founders need capital. To this end, we in Bavaria provide simple and flat-rate funding in the early stages of start-ups. In addition, we also want larger and specific funding as well as state financing in the growth phase.”

He also demands: “The federal government must improve and optimize the framework conditions for private investors and institutional financiers such as banks, insurance companies and pension funds so that they invest in venture capital.” This includes, for example, tax incentives or the assumption of the default risk in a certain proportion.”

On September 18, the CSU will therefore pass a resolution on startup support with far-reaching demands at its closed meeting in Banz:

We are calling for a fundamental change in the framework conditions…

  • to mobilize private capital,
  • the opportunities for pension funds etc. to invest in venture capital (VC),
  • call on Bavarian foundations to make VC
  • demand tax incentives (under municipal responsibility, but also based on the state model)
  • demand VC as part of funded pension provision
  • and simplified awarding of contracts to start-ups by the public sector.

Stefan Ebner, economic politician of the CSU added: “We need to find a different mindset in Germany: entrepreneurship, start-ups and self-employment must be viewed positively.” Schools, colleges and universities must familiarize young people with entrepreneurial concepts and practices from an early age. And promote a mindset that is geared towards innovation and business creation. Our educational institutions must prepare young people to consider self-employment and entrepreneurship as a real career option.”

CSU parliamentary group leader makes an offer to Löwen investor Janna Ensthaler

This Wednesday there was a 1.5-hour panel called “High-tech in Bavarian – Future at home”

Panel participants:

Janna Ensthaler; entrepreneur and investor

Prof. Dr. Helmut Schönenberger; Managing Director of UnternehmerTUM and Vice President of the Federal Association of German Startups e. V.

Bastian Behrens; CEO Blackwave GmbH

Ensthaler received a lot of applause from the CSU, especially for her statement that she would have preferred the chancellor’s plane to land in Washington and then for Söder to get out. Group leader Holetschek called on Ensthaler to become politically active. In response to her “Yes, at some point,” she was presented with a membership application in the presence of Markus Söder.
