
topicnews · September 19, 2024

Exchange, networking and empowerment: Austria’s first Alopecia Awareness Day took place in Carinthia

Exchange, networking and empowerment: Austria’s first Alopecia Awareness Day took place in Carinthia

At the beginning of September, history was made at the Electric Garden Wörthersee: The first Alopecia Awareness Day Austria brought together those affected, interested parties and supporters from all over Austria to draw attention to the often invisible challenge of living with hair loss of any kind.

KLAGENFURT. As part of the international Alopecia Awareness Month, the event in Carinthia created a platform for exchange, networking and empowerment. From midday onwards, the picturesque location in the Electric Garden Wörthersee was filled with a diverse group of participants. Some wore wigs, others proudly showed off their bald heads: “The most important accessory of the day, however, was the closed smile of all participants,” explains Janin Baumann, chairwoman of the Austrian Hair Loss Association. In a relaxed atmosphere, intensive discussions and inspiring encounters took place, creating new friendships and networks.

Turning point

The official start followed at 1 p.m. with a presentation by the founders of the Austrian Hair Loss Association, who also invited people to join. Peter Fuchs, Managing Director of Headdress Austria, explained the hair cycle and the hair growth phases, and the importance of scalp care was also discussed. The innovative company CL Lab then introduced itself and presented its wig solutions, which are particularly known for their permanent attachment. “The first Alopecia Awareness Day Austria was a complete success and a turning point in the Austrian alopecia community – not only was awareness of all types of hair loss raised, but the self-confidence of those affected was also boosted,” said Baumann.

Second meeting

Good news: The date for the next Alopecia Awareness Day has already been set: October 27, 2025. The Austrian alopecia community will come together again to celebrate this special day. Until then, smaller meetings will take place in the federal states to continue to promote exchange and support. “The future looks bright – with a growing community that inspires and strengthens each other and provides information to the outside world,” concludes Janin Baumann.