
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Starting your studies: Laptop is a must, gadgets can vary

Starting your studies: Laptop is a must, gadgets can vary


«Don’t buy books»Instead of books: these are the gadgets that students rely on

Students are equipped with all kinds of electronic devices. You can find out what else they need to cope with their everyday student life and what it costs here.

Cédric Bähler
  • In addition to laptops and tablets, students face high book costs.

  • Owning the books alone is of no use; you have to know the contents.

  • Some may use books that have already been used by friends and acquaintances. However, they still need to be up to date.

  • A touch pen is practical in everyday school life, but not necessary.

At Swiss universities and colleges, new student life began for some on Monday, and the new semester for others. Students told 20 minutes what they had already bought for their studies and what still needed to be organized.

What all students need is a laptop, the composition of the remaining gadgets is very individual, as could be seen from the students.

Book prices too high for a situation where you hardly need them

A student at the University of Lucerne says: “I have already bought three laptops because I don’t really take care of my electronic devices.” However, she always buys second-hand laptops, she explained.

Elias Schubert (20) and Cedric Bühler (19) started studying law this week and need their laptop and the law book in particular. It is particularly expensive if new law books have to be bought as soon as a new version is available.

Michel will never make the mistake again

“In the first semester I spent over 600 francs on books and only used ten percent of the content,” says 28-year-old Michel. After that, he never made this mistake again. He asks the lecturers whether these books are really needed. He also checks in the library whether the book is available there and scans important pages in an emergency.

“In the first semester I spent over 600 francs on books and only used ten percent of the content.”

Michael (28)

There is a willingness to spend a lot of money on a laptop, but many students are skeptical about the price of books. Master’s student Michel explains it this way: “You need a PC 30 percent for university, 30 percent for administrative work and 30 percent for YouTube or Netflix.” That’s why buying a powerful computer certainly makes sense.

A book is useless if you don’t have the knowledge

“In addition to the iPad, the PC and the tuition fees, there are now expensive books,” says Lars, a business student. 130 francs for a book is absurd, he tells 20 Minuten.

“Just owning the book is no use.” “Knowing the content is crucial for the exams,” says Michel, a master’s student.

“Just owning the book is no use.” “Knowing the content is crucial for the exams,” says Michel, a master’s student.

Tamedia AG/Raisa Durandi

Many new students find it difficult to estimate which gadgets, books and documents they really need to buy. Michel, who is starting his Master’s degree in Lucerne, is certain: “It is important not to own the book, because the book will not get anyone through the exam. The knowledge is important and having this is more important than owning the book.”

Exams take place on laptops

A laptop is important for studying, because exams are held on the computer. For exams, you are required to bring your own device. “Of course it is possible to borrow a laptop, but you want to take an exam on a PC that you are familiar with,” says Fabio (28).

“You want to take an exam on a PC that you know.”

Fabio (28)

Stiepana (22) and Julia (23) are studying health sciences: “We do everything on our laptop. A touch pen is practical, but we don’t necessarily need it.”

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