
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Top candidates from Linz-Land and the Enns region in discussion

Top candidates from Linz-Land and the Enns region in discussion

LINZ-LAND/ENNS. On Sunday, September 29, Austria will elect a new National Council. For weeks, the parties have been courting the voters’ favor and presenting themselves and their election programs. Tips introduces the top candidates of the major parties in the Linz-Land district (and the Enns region) in more detail.

Tips asked Marion Kullmann from the ÖVP (2nd place on the list), Sabrina Klausberger from the SPÖ (2nd place on the list), Peter Gattringer from the FPÖ (3rd place on the list), Agnes Prammer from the Greens (1st place on the list) and Lorenz Horvath from the Neos (2nd place on the list) about their most important goals in the region, on the topics of climate protection, migration, the labor market and education.

Climate protection

Marion Kullman, ÖVP: As an entrepreneur, climate protection with common sense is important to me, as companies and the jobs associated with them should not be put at risk by over-regulation. We focus on progress and innovation.

Sabrina Klausberger, SPÖ: Public transport is an important lever for climate protection. In the Linz region, transport connections vary greatly from town to town. The price of the climate ticket is an important common factor – we need to renegotiate here.

Peter Gattringer, FPÖ: An ideology-free energy policy is essential to secure our prosperity. Private individuals and companies must be supported. Moral interests must not prevail when it comes to climate and environmental protection.

Agnes Prammer, Green Party: The climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our time. Our actions determine how future generations live. Effective climate protection is only possible with the Greens. We need a faster energy and mobility transition and real soil protection.

Lorenz Horvath, Neos: We rely on renewable energies and sustainable mobility. With a result-neutral CO2 tax, we want to promote climate-friendly innovations, reduce soil sealing and make our region a more livable place.


Marion Kullmann, ÖVP: I am in favour of a definitive no to illegal migration in our social system. There must be an orderly influx of people with a view to our labour market, but integration means adaptation and this must be demanded, monitored and promoted.

Sabrina Klausberger, SPÖ: A fair distribution of asylum seekers in the EU, sanctions for non-compliance and processing centers at the external borders are crucial steps. German courses, accommodation and a compulsory integration year create prospects.

Peter Gattringer, FPÖ: We must reduce asylum immigration to zero by securing borders, strictly expel criminal foreigners, or deport them if their asylum application is rejected. We want to choose who is allowed to live with us. High achievers are welcome.

Agnes Prammer, Green Party: Without immigration from abroad, many jobs and industries would be at risk. Nursing, catering and many other areas. We need people who want to work and live here. This requires measures and a willingness to integrate.

Lorenz Horvath, Neos: Qualified immigration is crucial to addressing the shortage of skilled workers. Asylum seekers should have easier access to the labor market – this promotes integration and directly reduces social spending.

Labour market

Marion Kullmann, ÖVP: Working people should have more than non-working people. As a people’s party, we are committed to a time-dependent reduction in unemployment benefits. We want to create incentives for full-time work through a full-time bonus so that performance is rewarded.

Sabrina Klausberger, SPÖ: Securing jobs, ensuring healthy workers up to the age of 65 and guaranteeing employment for the long-term unemployed are all part of the social democratic spirit. We want to reduce the tax burden on work and develop the Linz region further.

Peter Gattringer, FPÖ: The FPÖ relies on a strong national labor market policy that secures jobs for Austrians. Our goal is to limit immigration in order to prevent wage dumping and to give preference to domestic workers.

Agnes Prammer, Green Party: The labor market is changing. The energy transition and climate protection in particular offer immense potential for new, sustainable and high-quality jobs. An active labor market policy must create and build the foundations for this.

Lorenz Horvath, Neos: The domestic economy is suffering from too much bureaucracy and stagnation instead of growth. Employees cost too much and earn too little. We are therefore committed to providing long-term relief for working people and domestic businesses.


Marion Kullmann, ÖVP: Parents should be given more responsibility again. Teachers are not the only ones responsible for everything. The reintroduction of performance classes in middle schools would be desirable, because performance should also be rewarded in the education system.

Sabrina Klausberger, SPÖ: We need a legal right to education from the age of one, relief for teachers, less bureaucracy, psychological help for young people and the abolition of new educational decisions at the age of ten.

Peter Gattringer, FPÖ: The FPÖ calls for an education system that demands and promotes performance. The aim is to strengthen Austrian culture and values, to establish early intervention in important subjects and to banish ideological influences from schools.

Agnes Prammer, Green Party: Education is central to life and begins in kindergarten. We must overcome the long-term focus of education and continue to work intensively on equal opportunities. Education must not depend on background or social environment.

Lorenz Horvath, Neos: We want a modern school system with the best educational opportunities, more autonomy and the legal right to childcare from the first birthday. An opportunity index should offer schools with challenges a fair start.