
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Globus Baumarkt is actively committed to environmental protection

Globus Baumarkt is actively committed to environmental protection

Globus Specialist Markets GmbH & Co. KG

Völklingen (ots)

Roll up your sleeves for the environment in September, when all 90 Globus hardware stores and the Völklingen headquarters and their trainees take part in World Cleanup Day for the first time. “By taking part in World Cleanup Day, we want to raise awareness among our trainees about environmental protection, motivate them to get involved in society and promote team spirit,” says Sabrina Beckmann, Head of Quality and Sustainability Management at Globus Fachmärkte GmbH & Co. KG.

The responsibility for sustainability is lived in the company. A current example is the gradual, consistent switch to peat-free soils, which was completed for the entire range of soils in July 2024. “In this way, we and our customers are contributing to climate protection, the preservation of biodiversity and sustainability.”

In addition, the cooperation with the “Blue Angel” environmental seal gives consumers the opportunity to consciously shop in an environmentally friendly way. “Around 750 products marked with the ‘Blue Angel’ are offered in Globus hardware stores, including varnishes, glazes, wall paints, wallpaper, floor coverings and sealants,” says Sabrina Beckmann.

In order to continuously increase the already high recycling rate of the company’s total waste, Globus Baumarkt is saving packaging, especially for its own brands, and is gradually replacing plastic packaging with certified cardboard or alternative raw materials. “In addition, as a member of the Europe-wide reusable system of Euro Plant Tray eG, we are helping to significantly reduce single-use plastic waste,” explains Sabrina Beckmann. “One of our numerous sustainability measures is to inform our customers that they can return certain products such as old batteries, light bulbs and construction foam cans to our stores free of charge. In addition, we ensure short distances and thus the lowest possible CO2 emissions through GEO-optimized order distribution in online mail order.” Other examples of the responsible use of resources include the expansion of charging stations for electric vehicles and investments in LED lighting and photovoltaic systems at Globus Baumarkt stores.

This commitment to environmental protection is also confirmed by the well-known consumer survey Customer Monitor Germany 2024: Globus Baumarkt is the best in the industry in the category “Active commitment to environmental protection” and in other categories. Over 6,000 customers of hardware and DIY stores aged 16 and over were surveyed online for the nationwide benchmarking study by ServiceBarometer AG. “We are very pleased that our comprehensive measures for environmental and climate protection are noticed and appreciated by customers,” adds Sabrina Beckmann.

Globus Specialist Markets GmbH & Co. KG

The company Globus Fachmärkte GmbH & Co. KG, with headquarters in Völklingen, Saarland, operates a total of 90 Globus hardware stores in Germany and Luxembourg. With around 9,000 employees, a turnover of two billion euros and the highest level of customer satisfaction, the company is one of the most popular and leading hardware stores in Germany.

For the 13th time in a row, Globus Baumarkt 2023 was voted the most customer-friendly DIY store company in Germany in the consumer survey conducted by Konzept & Markt and Anxo Management Consulting in cooperation with the DIY trade magazine of Dähne Verlag. In the 2024 Germany Customer Monitor, Globus Baumarkt came first in several categories, including “Active commitment to environmental protection”, “Product presentation”, “Findability of products in the store” and “Recommendation”.

In addition, Globus Fachmärkte is one of Germany’s best employers. The employer rating platform kununu named the company a “Top Company” in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Globus Fachmärkte has also been awarded the “audit berufundfamilie” certificate.

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Diana Doriguzzi
[email protected]

Original content from: Globus Fachmärkte GmbH & Co. KG, transmitted by news aktuell