
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Citizens’ association takes part in “World Cleanup Day”

Citizens’ association takes part in “World Cleanup Day”

  1. ovb-online-de
  2. Rosenheim
  3. Chiemgau region

The initiators of the citizens’ association (from left) Ina Seeberger, Conny Karrasch, Julia Siebel and Silvia Rachl are mobilizing to help on the “World Cleanup Day” on Friday, September 20th. Primary school teacher Doris Wagnerberger (third from right), who organized a project week on the topic of “garbage” with the fourth grade, has already pledged her support. Nepomuk Wimmer, Vincent Fertsch and Pia Uhlig were available for the photo as representatives of the fourth grade (from left). © Arno Zandl

Next Friday. On September 20th, the “World Cleanup Day” will take place, in which the Chieming Citizens’ Association will also be taking part. From 2 p.m., participants will collect garbage in the community area to raise awareness of environmental protection. The meeting point is the meeting place, and the event ends at 6 p.m.

Chieming – The Chieming Citizens’ Association is taking part in the “World Cleanup Day”, which is taking place next Friday. From 2 p.m., groups will be looking for and collecting rubbish and garbage in the Chieming municipal area according to the motto “Ramadama”.

The initiators around Ina Seeberger are concerned with raising awareness about the amount of garbage locally and worldwide. Ina Seeberger says: “Although the municipality of Chieming reacts quickly after storms and floods and disposes of the driftwood on the beach promenade that is full of garbage and the 40 garbage bins that have been set up are regularly emptied by the building yard, you can still find small and large pieces of plastic, glass, cigarette butts, bottle caps and other garbage. A single cigarette butt can poison 40 to 60 liters of water. Once you start paying attention, you can quickly find the garbage. Every step that makes our environment cleaner is worth it.”

Cigarette butts and bottle caps

The campaign, which now takes place every year on September 20th, is not just about garbage disposal. The initiators also hope to raise awareness among young and old about the sustainable use of our resources.

With the vision of making the world cleaner together, “World Cleanup Day” has made a name for itself. On September 20, 2024, 190 countries will clean up public places and bodies of water together. In 2023, almost 20 million people set out on this day in September to make cities, villages, forests, parks, rivers, seas, shores and lakes cleaner. In Germany alone, 438,000 hard-working people took part in more than 2,000 cities.

Ina Seeberger explains the garbage collection campaign planned in Chieming: “We start on September 20th at 2 p.m. at the meeting place.” Groups can be formed, but you can also collect individually and independently.” And she appeals to individual Chieming residents and groups: “Take photos of yourself, your group or your finds. We will be happy to publish them on our homepage. The citizens’ association is happy about every individual who actively participates in ‘World Cleanup Day’ and sets off with their collection bag or bucket.” The Chieming primary and middle schools are also taking part in the campaign.

Doris Wagnerberger, head of the 4th grade class, says it is important to her to encourage the children to use creation sustainably. This includes dealing responsibly with garbage and waste – and not just because it is anchored in the curriculum. The committed teacher is conducting a project week with the fourth graders before “World Cleanup Day” so that the fourth graders can serve as multipliers for the rest of the school. On September 20th, the whole school will then take part in the garbage collection campaign. The teacher also has an example to hand. When she is out with classes outside of school, she collects the garbage she finds on the way and disposes of it in the nearest garbage can. When the students ask her in surprise why she does this, Wagnerberger answers: “To keep the world clean and to be a role model for you so that you do the same.”

The event ends at Schlossplatz

“The municipality of Chieming is kindly supporting us in the disposal of larger quantities,” says Seeberger. The citizens’ association asks that you arrange collection or pick-up points (telephone 0 86 64/92 77 44). If possible, smaller quantities can be put in the private waste bin. To end the day of action together, all helpers meet up and make it back to the meeting place, i.e. the Schlossplatz under the canvas, at 6 p.m.

Those interested can find further information about the campaign at and