
topicnews · September 18, 2024

An overview of the statements of the top candidates from the region

An overview of the statements of the top candidates from the region

GMUNDEN DISTRICT. On Sunday, September 29, Austria will elect a new National Council. For weeks, the parties have been courting voters’ favor and presenting themselves and their election programs. In our tips for the National Council election, we offer a little help in making a decision by introducing the regional top candidates of the major parties from the Gmunden district in more detail.

Bettina Zopf from the ÖVP, Elisabeth Feichtinger from the SPÖ, Markus Steinmaurer from the FPÖ, Ulrike Feichtinger from the Greens and Heike Hufnagel from the NEOS were asked for tips on their most important goals in the areas of climate protection, migration, the labor market and education. For all those who are undecided, this should be a little help as to who they should support with their vote on Sunday, September 29th.

Climate protection

Bettina Zopf (ÖVP): We are determined to take the middle path: protecting the climate with people, not against them. When it comes to renewable energies, we rely on the entire technology spectrum: including research and innovations in the field of hydrogen.

Elisabeth Feichtinger (SPÖ): Socially just climate protection is a priority. We need to massively expand public transport in rural areas. We are calling for regulations for industry to reduce CO2 emissions. Climate protection must not be a luxury.

Markus Steinmaurer (FPÖ): Environmental protection is more than climate hysteria: I am against deindustrialization under the guise of climate protection. I say no to the ban on combustion engines. One sensible investment is the storage power plant in Ebensee.

Uli Feichtinger (Greens): The climate crisis is the greatest challenge of our time. The heat this summer shows that Upper Austria is of course also affected. We need a rapid energy and mobility transition as well as effective soil protection.

Heike Hufnagl (Neos): NEOS is committed to expanding renewable energies and sustainable mobility concepts. We want a result-neutral CO2 tax that will curb soil sealing and promote climate-friendly innovations for our region.


Bettina Zopf (ÖVP): We want to implement deportations to countries of origin. Our asylum brake is working. We stand for restrictive aliens law. We want to decide who comes to us – and not criminal smugglers. We want prison sentences to be served in third countries.

Elisabeth Feichtinger (SPÖ): Austria has taken on a lot of responsibility, the fair distribution of asylum seekers must be ensured within the EU. We must give migrants a compass for integration: our values ​​such as democracy, human rights and women’s rights.

Markus Steinmaurer (FPÖ): Border protection and full force against criminals and Islamists. Abuse of guest rights means an end to your stay. There is also a ban on political Islam. Integrated immigrants/high achievers are very welcome.

Uli Feichtinger (Greens): Isolation is absurd. We are suffering from a shortage of skilled workers, which is why we need people who want to work here, especially in nursing and in the catering industry. Integration is not a one-way street, it requires willingness and commitment.

Heike Hufnagl (Neos): We need qualified immigration to address the shortage of skilled workers. Asylum seekers should be given easier access to the labor market – this also promotes integration and reduces social spending.

Labour market

Bettina Zopf (ÖVP): We stand for real performance-based fairness, which is why we want to introduce a full-time bonus of 1,000 euros, make overtime tax-free, exempt working in retirement from taxes and reduce wage and income tax.

Elisabeth Feichtinger (SPÖ): The 4-day week for a socially just working world, especially for women. Many work part-time because they take on a large part of the unpaid care work. The 4-day week with full pay compensation creates equal conditions for everyone.

Markus Steinmaurer (FPÖ): Performance must be rewarded: less taxes, contributions and non-wage labor costs. Less bureaucracy. I submitted a motion to the Federal Council to abolish the taxation of overtime. Unfortunately, this motion was rejected.

Uli Feichtinger (Greens): The labor market is changing. The energy transition and climate protection offer opportunities for new, sustainable and high-quality jobs. Education and further training are the keys. Active labor market policy must create the basis for this.

Heike Hufnagl (Neos): The ÖVP has been in government for 37 years – the result: excessive bureaucracy, a stagnating economy. Employees cost too much, but have too little net income from gross. We demand relief for the economy, that creates jobs.


Bettina Zopf (ÖVP): Strengthening digital skills, in school development we focus on diversity and existing strengths. Upper Austria should become the number 1 children’s country: free playgroup in the morning, compatibility of work and family, more care staff.

Elisabeth Feichtinger (SPÖ): Everyone should have the same opportunities for education. Every child deserves the opportunity to have a free, high-quality kindergarten place from the age of 1. Education must be accessible to everyone, regardless of income.

Markus Steinmaurer (FPÖ): Concentration on performance-oriented education. Strengthening local schools, practical, future-oriented training. We demand smaller class sizes, more digital equipment and an increased focus on apprenticeships and STEM subjects.

Uli Feichtinger (Greens): Education is crucial for one’s life path. It begins in kindergarten, where improved conditions are needed. Education should not be a question of origin or social environment. We work intensively on equal opportunities.

Heike Hufnagl (Neos): A modern school system with the best educational opportunities for everyone, more school autonomy and a legal right to childcare from the age of one. An opportunity index is intended to support schools and ensure equal starting opportunities.