
topicnews · September 18, 2024

World Cleanup Day: Linz sets an example for cleanliness

World Cleanup Day: Linz sets an example for cleanliness

On Saturday it’s that time again: World Cleanup Day is coming up, and in Linz, too, many people are getting involved to remove rubbish from public spaces. The Franckviertel-Bulgariplatz and Auwiesen district centers are organizing their own cleanup campaigns in cooperation with the “Linz on Foot” initiative, in which volunteers want to make their surroundings cleaner.

LINZ. But the commitment to a clean city in Linz goes beyond this day. Every day, around 190 employees in the Urban Green and Street Maintenance division ensure that streets, sidewalks, bike paths and parks are kept well-maintained and free of rubbish. They take care of the cleanliness of the city on an area of ​​7.9 million square metres.

City employees keep Linz clean every day

“We are deliberately using World Cleanup Day as an opportunity to thank the employees of the Urban Green and Street Maintenance division and to bring them to the fore.” “Their daily efforts in all weathers and at all times of day ensure that we can feel comfortable in our surroundings,” emphasizes Vice Mayor Karin Hörzing (SPÖ). Climate Officer Eva Schobesberger (Greens) also recognizes the tireless efforts of the teams. In addition to the municipal garbage collection service, which disposed of 7.7 million tons of waste from over 3,000 garbage cans last year alone, many citizens also contribute to the cleanliness of the state capital. More than 1,000 volunteers of all ages took part in the “Linz cleans up” campaign this year.

If you would like to take part in one of the clean-up campaigns, you can find further information here, here and here.