
topicnews · September 18, 2024

How do you manage emails on your PC and smartphone?

How do you manage emails on your PC and smartphone?

Set up and manage email services

You can easily set up, manage and use your email services on your PC or smartphone. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.

How you manage your emails varies from email service to email service. But with these tips, you’ll know what to do with almost every provider. (Source: / pixbox77)

  1. Choosing the right email service

  2. Manage emails on your PC

  3. Manage emails on your smartphone

  4. Gmail: E-mail service of the well-known Internet giant Google

  5. Outlook: Comprehensive service from Microsoft

  6. GMX: No longer market leader, but still popular

  7. Apple Mail: Own email service for Apple users

  8., Yahoo Mail and others

Messengers like WhatsApp or Instagram are becoming increasingly popular, but there are still many situations, both at work and in private, where a short text message is not enough. Be it because you want to send a large attachment or because you need to contact another person or company professionally. In these cases, good old email is still used.

Almost every Internet user currently has at least one active email address. Email remains one of the most important means of communication on the Internet. Many people access their email accounts via a web browser. However, it is usually easier and clearer to manage their emails using an email client. These are provided by email providers in the form of various apps.

Managing your own emails has become increasingly complex, thanks to the ever-increasing range of services. Large email programs such as Gmail or Outlook have so many functions, settings and customization options that you can quickly become overwhelmed. Our instructions make it easier for you to get started and show you in detail how to manage your emails on your PC, smartphone and other devices.

Choosing the right email service

If you don’t yet have the right email provider for you, we have found a little help for you in making your decision. We have tested and compared almost all of the common email services on the market.

Free email providers in comparison: These are the safest and best freemailers

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All providers allow you to set up a free email account, or you can opt for an additional paid subscription, which usually adds a few more features and benefits. For most purposes, however, a free account is completely sufficient.

Manage emails on your PC

On the PC, you can choose whether you manage your emails directly in the Internet browser by going to the provider’s website, or whether you download and install the corresponding app for your operating system. We will then show you some instructions that will give you helpful tips for email management on your computer.

Manage emails on your smartphone

If you are regularly on the move, managing your emails on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet is a good idea. Basically, you have the choice between a browser app and a client, although we tend to prefer the client here. The reason: Using the browser on mobile devices is usually much slower and more complicated.

Since every email service works differently, email management is also different for each provider. That’s why we’ve created numerous guides for you, each tailored to the most well-known and popular email services. We’ve created a list of the guides for your provider to inform you about managing messages and many useful features.

Gmail: E-mail service of the well-known Internet giant Google

One of the most well-known email services is Gmail. It comes from Google itself and is particularly popular due to its connectivity to many other services and applications. In contrast to many other providers, Google also makes it relatively easy for you to set up your own email account. It only takes a few minutes.

Gmail: How to set up forwarding

If you have multiple email accounts, it makes sense to set up forwarding. We’ll show you how to configure forwarding for your Gmail account in this guide on netzwelt.

After the initial setup, you may feel overwhelmed by the numerous functions and settings that Gmail offers. Our guides on advanced topics will give you the right overview.

Finally, we have some professional tips and information on how to delete your email account if you want to switch to another provider.

Outlook: Comprehensive service from Microsoft

No less well-known and popular than Gmail is Microsoft’s email service: Outlook. Microsoft’s Windows operating system is known for being particularly user-friendly in some areas and the same applies to the email service. However, the following tips will certainly make setting it up even easier.

Once you have set up your Microsoft Outlook account, you can connect it to other services. The provider offers you special functions that allow you to connect your account with your digital calendar or other devices.

In addition to this, Outlook has a lot of other exciting features to offer that make email communication at home and especially at work much more pleasant and easier. In separate instructions, we will explain the most practical settings to you.

Some functions are particularly useful in the office. Especially if you have a lot of contact with other companies, people and agencies in your job, you can make your everyday work more pleasant with these functions.

GMX: No longer market leader, but still popular

GMX used to be a big competitor. However, the service has not developed consistently enough in recent years, which is why other providers such as Gmail or Outlook are now clearly ahead. Nevertheless, GMX is still used by many today, especially those who have little trust in the data protection guidelines of large companies. Setting up an email account with GMX is a matter of minutes, as with the other providers.

To delete your GMX account, just a few simple steps are all you need. We have created a guide that will show you step by step how to do this.

Apple Mail: Own email service for Apple users

Apple Mail hasn’t been on the market as long as many other major providers, but has already built up a large user base over the last few years. This consists primarily of Apple users. No wonder, after all, the company is committed to networking its own services. Anyone who owns an Apple device is very likely to use several Apple services, including perhaps Apple Mail., Yahoo Mail and others

In addition to those mentioned above, there are of course dozens of other alternatives. The best known of these are and Yahoo Mail. Even though the services are no longer as popular as they were a decade ago, they still have their own special advantages. We explain this to you in our test reports on and Yahoo Mail. Our instructions will help you with your first steps with the email services.

Despite all the convenience that email services offer in your everyday life, you should not underestimate the potential dangers. Almost every day we receive fraud warnings about cases in which hackers and other criminals try to get hold of users’ data or even money via virus-infected emails. We’ll tell you how to recognize spam emails and find out the real sender.

Furthermore, your standard email address is not necessarily suitable for every purpose. Especially if you give out your email address (for example for online competitions), it is better to use a disposable address created specifically for this purpose. This will prevent your email data from being stored by the company, resold or used for other purposes. We have tested the best temporary email addresses for you.