
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Organized illegal entry of foreigners

Organized illegal entry of foreigners

The Dresden public prosecutor’s office is currently investigating two Lebanese nationals on suspicion of gang-related and commercial smuggling of foreigners.

Dresden- The public prosecutor Dresden and the Federal Police are currently investigating a 36-year-old and a 38-year-old on suspicion of gang-related and commercial smuggling of foreign nationals in several cases.

55 federal police officers were involved in the measures. (Symbolic image) © Robert Michael/dpa

The 36-year-old Lebanese is said to have organized the smuggling of at least 87 predominantly Syrian nationals into Germany in at least 15 cases since November 2022.

The 38-year-old, also Lebanese, is suspected of having helped organize the smuggling of at least 29 people in four cases.

However, the two suspects did not carry out the smuggling themselves. They are said to have organized the illegal entries into Germany, mainly via Belarus and Poland.

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Dresden Crime
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The duo is said to have received a smuggling fee of around 130,000 euros for this. The 36-year-old is also said to have received a further smuggling fee of around 260,000 euros.

The two Lebanese were arrested yesterday Tuesday based on existing arrest warrants issued by the Federal Police in Dresden and brought before the responsible investigating judge at the Pirna District Court.

Shared apartment searched

The perpetrator duo is now in custody. During the proceedings, the accused’s shared apartment in Dresden was searched.

Investigators seized various pieces of evidence such as electronic storage media and smartphones. Cash amounting to 7,300 euros, a vehicle worth around 15,000 euros, two watches worth around 1,100 euros and gold jewelry were also found.

Furthermore, the accused were subjected to asset seizures in the amount of the smuggling wages they received.

A total of 55 Federal Police Officer involved, the public prosecutor’s office announced. The investigation is ongoing.