
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Will EU health funding be restored in 2025? – Euractiv

Will EU health funding be restored in 2025? – Euractiv

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will hold a plenary debate on the EU budget for 2025 in the plenary session in Strasbourg today (18 September).

Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), led by its Chair, Antonio Decaro MEP (Italy, S&D), issued Following harsh criticism of the cuts in EU health funding decided by the European Council in February, MEPs have tabled amendments to reinstate funding for EU4Health and the Horizon Health Cluster.

There will undoubtedly be lively debates in plenary today, but ultimately the battle will be fought in the Council, probably in the early hours of the morning. This is the fifth annual budget of the current multiannual financial framework (2021-2027).

The European Council announced in December 2023 the planned cut of €1 billion in the EU4Health programme to reallocate funds to support Ukraine. MEPs argued at the time that the 20% cut to the EU’s main health programme was disproportionate, a view shared by the new Parliament.

The Commission is working to limit the impact of budget cuts as best as possible. Many in the health sector hope that by underfunding other areas and existing budgetary instruments, resources can be freed up to allow for some flexibility.

Also in Strasbourg

MEPs will discuss the EU’s response to the outbreak of the smallpox epidemic and the possibility of it spreading in Europe today (17:00). EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides will present the Commission’s measures so far.

Parliament is expected to reject two Commission proposals to adjust the maximum residue limits (MRLs) of two pesticides not approved in Europe. Here is more from the Euracitv agriculture team.

Outside the Chamber

The decision by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to offer the health portfolio to Hungarian Olivér Varhelyi for the next five years is a cause for concern for MEPs, who have told Euractiv that he would be unacceptable to them. We expect a strong reaction from Parliament.

Will there be a full-fledged standing committee on health? It is still unclear whether Parliament will make the current subcommittee on public health a full-fledged standing committee and what its terms of reference will be. Stay tuned.

Other news

“Slap in the face” for the disabled

Varhelyi is not the only person who has caused a stir. The European Disability Forum expressed its “extreme outrage” at the way in which the equality portfolio was handled.

“It is unbelievable that the proposal excludes a separate portfolio for equality,” said Yannis Vardakastanis, President of the European Disability Forum: “We are outraged by this ‘downgrading’; it is a ‘slap in the face’ for millions of people and jeopardises all the progress the Commission has made so far on our rights. We urge Members of the European Parliament to take the initiative to restore the position of the Commissioner for Equality as a separate portfolio.”

Worrying wastewater

The latest data from the 18 EU countries monitoring SARS-CoV-2 virus levels in wastewater indicate that six countries (Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg and Latvia) are showing an upward trend, which is a reliable indicator that COVID is more widespread in the population. In Austria, Hungary and the Netherlands the situation is stable.

It is reassuring to know – at least for our readers in Brussels – that Vivalis is launching its vaccine against COVID-19 and recommending a seasonal flu vaccination. For more information, click here Here.

39 million deaths – antibiotic resistance is a global health emergency

A new in-depth global analysis of the impact of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been published in The Lancet estimates that between now and 2050, more than 39 million people could die from antibiotic-resistant infections.

Despite the attention given to the issue of antibiotic resistance at the global level, the report finds that implementation and funding of national action plans is uneven, leading to uncertain progress in reducing the burden of antibiotic resistance.

Patient organisations and healthcare professionals

The Commission has a Selection Procedure for the appointment of representatives of patient organisations and healthcare professionals to the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

… and for novel therapies

There is also an open Selection Procedure for the appointment of representatives of patient organisations and clinicians to the EMA Committee for Advanced Therapies.

There were no obvious competitors for the role of Health Commissioner, but the choice of Hungarian Olivér Varhelyi reflects the lower priority of this office among member states.

The European Commission wants member states to ban cigarettes, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products outdoors, according to new recommendations published on Tuesday (17 September).

During a visit to Ukraine last week, WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr Hans Kluge called for a renewed focus on health.

Millions of Europeans are unable to afford essential goods such as healthcare and food due to a lack of money, a new poll by Ipsos and a French charity shows. Popular securities market on Thursday (September 12).

News from the capitals


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16-19 September | Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), agendaEuropean Medicines Agency, Amsterdam

18 September | Coreper I meeting

19 September | Working Group “Sport”

23 September | Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), European Parliament, Brussels

24th-27th September | European Health Forum, Gastein

26 September | Committee on Public Health (SANT), European Parliament, Brussels

September 26 | 79th UN General Assembly, High Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

*Clara Bauer-Babef, Catherine Feore, Vasiliki Angouridi and Lydia Williams contributed to this letter.

[Edited by Rajnish Singh]

Read more at Euractiv