
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Family tragedy in Perg: Autopsy brings new findings

Family tragedy in Perg: Autopsy brings new findings

PERG. Three bodies were found in a residential building in Perg last Friday, and the autopsy has revealed new findings.

Two of the bodies were clearly identified. “Based on the evidence and the autopsy results, it is suspected that the husband (82) killed his wife (75) at the end of August 2024 with an unregistered long gun.” He then took his own life. “The identification of the third deceased person is currently pending,” the police report. However, as previously reported, it is believed to be the couple’s mentally impaired daughter (57). How she died is unclear. According to the police, no signs of violence were found on her. The woman is also likely to have lived longer than her parents. No suicide notes or similar were found, and the motive remains unclear.

The family was found in their house in Perg last Friday. An acquaintance had not heard from them for a while and wanted to visit them. When no one opened the door, she raised the alarm. The police eventually found the three bodies. The last contact with the family was on August 25, reports the Oberösterreichische Nachrichten online.

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