
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Police check: This question can get you in trouble

Police check: This question can get you in trouble

At the beginning of a traffic check, the classic question is often asked: “Do you know why we stopped you?” Of course, there are some variations and very suggestive formulations of this question, for example: “I assume you know why we stopped you?”

Many drivers feel challenged to make a statement and admit an offence. They must and should But never answer this trick questionInstead, just say “no” to it in a neutral way.

The reason for this is that if there is initial suspicion, the police must first inform you of the accusation. In addition, the officers must inform you of your right to remain silent – if you do not do this, your purchase statements will not be usable in court or will only be usable to a limited extent.

But you must first be able to prove that you were not informed of your right to remain silent. It is better to hold back and Do not burden yourself with spontaneous statements. Otherwise, the traffic violation could be interpreted as intentional, for example if you deliberately drove too fast.