
topicnews · September 18, 2024

CSD in Oranienburg: Right-wing counter-demonstration announced – police and initiator alerted

CSD in Oranienburg: Right-wing counter-demonstration announced – police and initiator alerted

Am 21. September 2024 soll in Oranienburg der zweite CSD stattfinden. Rechte Gruppierungen haben eine Gegendemo angekündigt. Es könnte zur kurzfristigen CSD-Absage kommen.


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Marco Winkler

Christopher Street Day: Oranienburg 09.09.2023 1. CSD Oberhavel, impressions from the demonstration and the final rally, photo: Karsten Schirmer

The second Christopher Street Day (CSD) will take place in Oranienburg on September 21, 2024. A counter demonstration has been registered. CSD initiator Boldt-Händel speaks of a threatening situation.

Karsten Schirmer

There had already been a slight threat situation in the run-up to the CSD premiere, as initiator Candy Boldt-Händel said in May 2024. The Oranienwerk as the venue had received threatening phone calls, and the right-wing extremist micro-party “The Third Way” distributed flyers along the route warning against homosexuals as a “danger to the German people”.