
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Information session in the evening, 17.9.: Merz will score points with economic topics

Information session in the evening, 17.9.: Merz will score points with economic topics

CDU/CSU candidate for chancellor Friedrich Merz will score points in the federal election campaign with economic issues. He does not want migration to be the main topic. This and other topics of the evening with Florian Zelt.

CDU leader Merz made this announcement at midday after announcing his candidacy for chancellor together with CSU leader Markus Söder. They want to take responsibility and govern again. Neither Merz nor Söder left any doubt about that. The main goal is to replace the traffic light coalition and “get Germany back on track”. Merz’s nomination must now be approved by the CDU and CSU committees. This could happen as early as next week and is considered a done deal – not least because several CDU state leaders have thrown their support behind Merz since the announcement today.

CSU leader Markus Söder also fails in his second attempt: he has to leave the candidacy for chancellor to CDU leader Merz. Why the power-conscious Bavarian’s calculations did not work out…

CSU leader Söder has recently publicly underlined his ambitions to run for chancellor several times. Today he said that the CDU, as the larger sister party, has first recourse to the K question. Merz has made use of this.

State government of BW presents draft for double budget

The Baden-Württemberg state government has approved the draft for the
next double budget. The black-green coalition will focus primarily on education, internal security, research and innovation. The budget includes an additional 136 billion euros and provides for expenditure of 3.3 billion euros.


Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) and Finance Minister Danyal Bayaz (Greens) at a press conference

More police, more teachers, more prosecutors
“Lucky”: Green-Black coalition can still distribute a lot of money before state elections

For a long time it was said that because of the poor economic situation there was hardly anything to distribute. Now the Greens and the CDU are spending a lot of money in the last budget before the election. How does that work?

SWR1 Baden-Wurttemberg

SWR1 Baden-Wurttemberg