
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Vienna Vikings start Championship Game Week

Vienna Vikings start Championship Game Week

The kickoff for the cracker between the Vienna Vikings and Rhein Fire will take place on Sunday, September 22nd at 3:30 p.m. This means that the 2022 champions (Vienna) and those of 2023 (Düsseldorf) will face each other for the first time ever.

Commissioner Patrick Esume: “ELF final will be a nailbiter until the last minute”

Since May of this year, 17 franchises from nine European nations have been battling for a place in the final at Schalke. After a total of 12 rounds of preliminary rounds, six teams made it to the playoff phase of the ELF. Madrid and Munich were eliminated in the wildcard rounds. Paris and Stuttgart were knocked out in the biggest semi-final by the current finalists Vienna and Düsseldorf. Now the showdown that football fans across Europe have been waiting for for a long time is taking place at Schalke.

Preparations are in full swing

In Vienna, preparations for the Championship Game Weekend are in full swing, and much has already been satisfactorily finalized in the last few days. “Organizationally, we are very well on time.”So Lenard OberladstätterFootball Operations Director of the Vienna Vikings. Flights, accommodation, transfer buses and the team’s daily schedules have already been finalized. “We are now working on the finer details, but some details should be clarified shortly.”

Photo: Hannes Jirgal

After a training-free weekend, the team is starting Game Week Practice mode again today. The team completed four training sessions on the field this week, with the final training session taking place in Germany on Saturday. “Everyone is currently focused. Of course, the final in front of over 40,000 spectators at Schalke is a special setting, but we want to maintain our 1 and 0 routine. “The motto was internalized throughout the season, and it also helped to keep the concentration high and to go through the whole year undefeated.” also head coach Chris Calaycay Full of anticipation for the championship game. For the HC Vienna, as for many Vikings coaches and players, it is already the second final game in just three years in the league.

Vikings support “Austria helps Austria”

Thankfully, the Vienna Vikings were spared from the flooding and the damage caused by the storm; there have been no or hardly any disruptions so far. “First of all, we would like to express our deepest sympathy to everyone affected by the floods and storms.” A big thank you goes out to all emergency services and the Federal Army for their outstanding and tireless efforts. “We have now spontaneously decided to donate 20% of the proceeds from our next merch pop-up store to the ‘Austria helps Austria’ campaign.” said Kiki Klepsch, press spokeswoman for the Vienna Vikings. “Our preparations for the championship game are currently not affected. We trusted that the weather would calm down today, Tuesday, as announced, and that team training could take place on the intact facility. The other training sessions and meetings should also be able to take place as planned from Wednesday onwards.”

→ Tickets championship game
→ Campaign Austria helps Austria