
topicnews · September 17, 2024

These are the goals of the top candidates from the Kirchdorf district at a glance

These are the goals of the top candidates from the Kirchdorf district at a glance

KIRCHDORF DISTRICT. On Sunday, September 29, Austria will elect a new National Council. For weeks, the parties have been courting the voters’ favor and presenting themselves and their election programs. In the Tips Focus, we offer a little help in making a decision by introducing the regional top candidates from the Kirchdorf district in the Traunviertel constituency in more detail.

Tips asked Dagmar Fetz-Lugmayr from Kremsmünster of the ÖVP, Reinhold Binder from Micheldorf of the SPÖ, Michael Gruber from Pettenbach of the FPÖ, Kathrin Quell from Kirchdorf of the Greens and Gregor Czepl from Micheldorf of the NEOS about their most important goals and concerns in the areas of climate protection, migration, the labor market and education. For all those who are undecided, this should be a little help on where to put their cross on election day.

The most important concerns and goals in the area of ​​climate protection

Dagmar Fetz-Lugmayr, ÖVP: “Climate protection with common sense means an important investment in our quality of life. An intact natural environment is our valuable living and recreational space and the basis of our farms for the production of high-quality food.”

Reinhold Binder, SPÖ: “Climate justice is a social concern. Dependence on fossil energy must be reduced. Investments in the rail network and the expansion of energy networks are necessary to manage the just transition.”

Michael Gruber, FPÖ: “An ideology-free energy policy is essential to secure our prosperity.” Instead of forcing utopian measures, private individuals and companies must be supported. Moral interests must not prevail when it comes to climate and environmental protection.”

Kathrin Quell, GREENS: “Protecting the environment is a very high priority for me, especially here in the countryside, where the value of healthy nature and sustainable use of resources is particularly visible.” Supporting low-CO2 mobility in addition to the necessary use of the car is also very relevant to me.”

Gregor Czepl, NEOS: “NEOS is committed to renewable energies and sustainable mobility. With a revenue-neutral CO2 tax, we want to promote climate-friendly innovations, reduce soil sealing and make our region more environmentally friendly and livable.”

The main concerns and objectives in the area of ​​migration

Dagmar Fetz-Lugmayr, ÖVP: “We need a careful migration policy that relieves the burden on our social and educational systems, provides the economy with the workforce it needs and protects our values: clear rules, targeted integration measures and mutual respect.”

Reinhold Binder, SPÖ: “Migration policy must be characterized by humanity and order. This means fast procedures and the rapid repatriation of those who are not entitled to asylum. Those who are here legally must participate in integration measures and be integrated into the work process from day one.”

Michael Gruber, FPÖ: “We must reduce asylum immigration to zero by securing borders and consistently expel criminal foreigners or deport them if their asylum application is rejected. We want to choose who is allowed to live with us. High achievers are very welcome.”

Kathrin Quell, GREENS: “I am of the opinion that a fair and humane migration policy must enable safe escape routes and an orderly arrival of people. The protection of human lives and the path to mutually successful integration are my top priorities.”

Gregor Czepl, NEOS: “Qualified immigration is crucial to addressing the shortage of skilled workers.” Asylum seekers should have easier access to the labor market – this promotes integration and directly reduces social spending.”

The most important concerns and goals in the area of ​​labour market

Dagmar Fetz-Lugmayr, ÖVP: “The job market is changing. There is a need for targeted support for digital skills as well as strengthening social skills. In order to increase the potential for strength, performance must be rewarded. Commitment must be valued and equal opportunities must be practiced.”

Reinhold Binder, SPÖ: “The pressure on employees is increasing. Many do not make it to retirement in good health and are forced into unemployment. I am therefore calling for initiatives for age-appropriate working and better control of employee protection.”

Michael Gruber, FPÖ: “The FPÖ is committed to a strong national labor market policy that secures jobs for Austrians. Our goal is to limit immigration in order to prevent wage dumping and to give preference to domestic workers.”

Kathrin Quell, GREENS: “My goal is a working world in which the value of work is not measured solely by performance.” We also need solutions for mothers who want/need to return to work after maternity leave, but have little opportunity to do so due to a lack of childcare.”

Gregor Czepl, NEOS: “After 37 years, the domestic economy is suffering from too much bureaucracy and stagnation instead of growth. Employees cost too much and earn too little. NEOS is therefore committed to providing sustainable relief for working people and domestic businesses.”

The most important concerns and goals in the field of education

Dagmar Fetz-Lugmayr, ÖVP: “Democracy needs education! It is the key to individual freedom, personal development, social justice, prosperity and economic progress. We must promote an education system of active participation and lifelong learning.”

Reinhold Binder, SPÖ: “Given the shortage of skilled workers, the focus must be on training.” The number of companies offering training is decreasing. We need a training fund to support those companies that train apprentices.”

Michael Gruber, FPÖ: “The FPÖ calls for an education system that demands and promotes performance. Our goal is to strengthen Austrian culture and values, to establish early intervention in important subjects and to banish ideological influences from schools.”

Kathrin Quell, GREENS: “As a middle school teacher, access to education regardless of family background and economic resources is a matter close to my heart. My focus is on the necessity of the German language, but at the same time also on the relevance of one’s own mother tongue.”

Gregor Czepl, NEOS: “We want a modern school system with the best educational opportunities, more school autonomy and a legal right to childcare from the first birthday.” An opportunity index should support schools with greater challenges and offer equal starting opportunities.”