
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Disaster management: Office: Storm surges due to climate change not a central regional issue

Disaster management: Office: Storm surges due to climate change not a central regional issue

According to observations by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), storm surges are not occurring on the German coast due to global warming. “So far, no increasing trend has been identified,” said BSH President Helge Heegewaldt. The state of the tide, the strength and direction of the wind are important for the occurrence of a storm surge. “Long-term observations have not shown any significant changes so far.”

The BSH is based in Hamburg and Rostock and is responsible for the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. There are usually four to six storm surges a year on the North Sea coast, according to a statement. No information was given about the Baltic Sea coast.

Heegewaldt continued that the agency’s evaluations of climate models show that if no measures are taken to reduce Climate change If the floods are contained, there will be more weather conditions in which storm surges occur towards the end of the century than before.

“Storm surges can also become more threatening because they are set at a higher starting level by the sea level rise and can therefore cause more damage.” In Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony, the sea level has risen by 20 centimeters in the last 100 years. The sea level is rising due to man-made climate change.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240917-930-235175/1