
topicnews · September 17, 2024

At Vamos: “Ready to Start” project integrates Ukrainians into the labour market

At Vamos: “Ready to Start” project integrates Ukrainians into the labour market

The “Ready to start” initiative opens up new career prospects on the job market for women from Ukraine. The project was launched in 2024 and is being implemented by the Vamos association in Markt Allhau. Individual goals, visits to training institutes, internships in Vamos companies and targeted career and education advice are intended to help women make the leap into training or a job.

MARKET ALLHAU. The Start of the project was carried out with twelve displaced Ukrainian women, who have started a new phase of their lives in Burgenland. Tailor-made advice, language training and practical qualifications are intended to create perspectives. “Then the hoped-for and sustainable integration into the labour market will also work,” says René Hoefer, Managing Director of Farewell.

Support from the AMS

The AMS Oberwart Supports you in exploring new career opportunities. “We look at what professional experience you have and then consider together which training courses are possible or can be credited,” explains Harald Braun, Branch manager of the AMS Oberwart. “The support is accepted with great gratitude and I am very happy about the great cooperation with Vamos.”

Intern at Vamos

The possibility to practical work The participants receive training in Vamos companies such as the carpentry, confectionery or gardening. There, the first job market and the Processes in the companies are simulated. Other training institutes or companies, such as the BUZ Neutal, are also visited. As part of the project, participants receive communication training and support in preparing application documents and finding an internship. Ongoing social-educational support offers individual advice.

The AMS Oberwart and its director Harald Braun support the project "Ready to start". | Photo: Martin Wurglits

Gaining a foothold in the job market

78 women and 23 men from Ukraine are currently registered with the AMS as Job seekers half of them in the Oberwart district. In August 2024, 217 Ukrainians were employed in Burgenland, 60% of them women. “With the “Ready to start” project, we have created the best conditions for the participants so that they gain a foothold in the Burgenland labour market “can have a secure income and improve their living situation,” emphasises AMS regional manager Helene Sengstbratl. The enthusiasm of the project participants is so great that they have nominated “Ready to start” for the ÖIF Prize.

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