
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Top candidates from the Rohrbach district in discussion

Top candidates from the Rohrbach district in discussion

DISTRICT OF ROHRBACH. There are only two weeks until the national election on September 29th and the regional parties have been campaigning for votes for weeks. Tips asked the leading candidates of the major parties about important issues.

Manuel Krenn (Oberkappel), Bettina Nigl (Schwarzenberg), Martin Mairhofer (Hofkirchen) and Susanne Wurzinger (Sarleinsbach) are on the state and constituency lists for the Rohrbach ÖVP. Nicole Trudenberger (Niederwaldkirchen) is running for the SPÖ. Ricardo Lang (Aigen-Schlägl), Stefanie Hofmann (Klaffer) and Kurt Möstl (St. Veit) are candidates for the FPÖ. Michael Wöss (St. Martin) and Elfriede Anreiter (Rohrbach-Berg) are running for the Greens. Silke Fenkhuber and David Fenkhuber (both Rohrbach-Berg) are also candidates for the KPÖ.

Tips asked the regional top candidates of the major parties to comment on four important issues. The answers can help you make your decision on September 29th.

Climate protection

Manuel Krenn ÖVP: The ÖVP stands for climate protection with common sense and is committed to the Paris climate goals. At the same time, I am convinced that our country must focus on innovation and progress when it comes to climate protection rather than bans and regression. Climate protection can only work through openness to all technologies.

Nicole TrudenbergerSPÖ: Politicians must create framework conditions to make climate protection possible for people in their everyday lives. These range from the expansion of public infrastructure, to local supplies in all communities, to financial support for climate-friendly investments.

Ricardo Lang FPÖ: An ideology-free energy policy is essential to secure our prosperity. Instead of forcing utopian measures, private individuals and companies must be supported. Moral interests must not prevail when it comes to climate and environmental protection.

Michael Wöss GREENS:This hot summer shows that the climate crisis is the greatest challenge. Therefore, we must continue to expand renewable energies and public transport. Protect the soil and forests instead of laying concrete and cutting down trees. Climate protection is only possible with the Greens!


Manuel Krenn ÖVP: A strict asylum system is necessary. It is not acceptable that people can relax in the social hammock without having made any contribution to our system. In the case of asylum seekers who have committed crimes, consistent deportation is necessary. But one thing is beyond question for me: anyone who really needs protection and help will find support in Austria.

Nicole TrudenbergerSPÖ: We need a rapid asylum procedure at the EU’s external borders and a fair distribution of asylum seekers in Europe. This will result in 75 percent fewer asylum applications in Austria. At the same time, however, we also need integration from day one and solutions instead of agitation!

Ricardo Lang FPÖ: We must reduce asylum immigration to zero by securing borders and consistently expel criminal foreigners or deport them if their asylum applications are rejected. We want to choose who is allowed to live with us. High achievers are very welcome.

Michael Wöss GREENS: Isolation is absurd. Immigration is necessary for nursing and catering, for example. Because of the labor shortage, we need people who want to work here. Of course, integration is not a one-way street and requires measures and willingness.

Labour market

Manuel Krenn ÖVP: As a representative of a business party, I would like to campaign for a job market that is fit for the future. The ÖVP will use a degressive unemployment benefit that decreases over time to ensure that those who work hard every day have more than those who do not want to work. We stand for real performance-based justice.

Nicole TrudenbergerSPÖ: For us, one thing is clear: the top performers in our country are the hard-working people. We are fully committed to them. Anyone who has worked for 45 years must be able to retire without any reductions. We are against raising the retirement age.

Ricardo Lang FPÖ: The FPÖ relies on a strong national labor market policy that secures jobs for Austrians. Our goal is to limit immigration in order to prevent wage dumping and to give preference to domestic workers.

Michael Wöss GREENS: The labor market is changing. The energy transition and climate protection offer opportunities for sustainable and high-quality jobs. Education and further training are the key. Active labor market policy must provide needs-based offers and provide financial support.


Manuel Krenn ÖVP: We must ensure that performance counts more again. This includes the reintroduction of performance groups and the abolition of preparatory course costs for master and proficiency examinations. A focus should be placed on digital skills. The expansion of school autonomy enables different schools with different focuses.

Nicole TrudenbergerSPÖ: Education must be free and available all day, including a free, healthy lunch for all children. In addition, new teaching methods are needed that also allow for recreation and leisure to ensure comprehensive development and support for all children.

Ricardo Lang FPÖ: The FPÖ calls for an education system that demands and promotes performance. Our goal is to strengthen Austrian culture and values, to establish early intervention in important subjects and to banish ideological influences from schools.¶.

Michael Wöss GREENS: Education is a key factor for a self-determined life. It begins in kindergarten. The framework conditions must continue to be improved. We will continue to work intensively for more equal opportunities. Together for a good morning!