
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Positions of the National Council candidates from the Ried district on the subject of education

Positions of the National Council candidates from the Ried district on the subject of education

RIED DISTRICT. Seven of the eleven parties running in regional constituency 4B (Innviertel) have only put one candidate from the Ried district on their regional list – with varying chances of getting into the National Council. Tips asked the top-ranked candidates (and one female candidate) from the district about their views and plans on climate protection, migration, the economy/jobs and education. Here are their answers on the topic of education.

Product:In Austria, too, the educational level of children depends heavily on their parents. What do you want to do to give all children the same educational opportunities and do you have special plans for the Innviertel?

Manfred Hofinger, ÖVP, constituency list position 3

Schools must be places where children enjoy learning, where they feel safe and can fully develop their talents. It should be a place where children learn for life and experience social skills. I would like to cite our agricultural schools as a best practice example. Here, students are optimally trained for their future in companies and as skilled workers for the economy.

Sebastian Forstner, SPÖ, constituency list position 2

We are committed to fair educational opportunities for all children and young people. Education should not be inherited, as it has a decisive influence on the course of life. We demand a legal right to all-day, free childcare from the first year of life. In the long term, full-time childcare should be available within 15 minutes. In addition, the expansion of all-day schooling is necessary and more staff are needed in the education sector.

Georg Gadermayr, FPÖ, constituency list position 2

Children are our future, and it must be ensured that children have access to education regardless of their parental home. Parents must be held responsible for providing the educational and linguistic foundations for a successful school education. Schools must be free of ideology – schools must not make children the same, skills must be encouraged and developed. The range of languages ​​on offer must be expanded.

Brigitte Huber-Reiter, Green Party, constituency list position 2

Education is a key factor in one’s life path. Kindergartens are the first educational institutions, and these need to be expanded further in the Innviertel, as do all-day schools. The framework conditions must continue to be improved. A major hurdle is the regionalization of educational agendas, which must be overcome. Education must not be a question of origin and social environment. We will continue to work intensively to create equal opportunities.

Karl Mayr, NEOS, constituency list position 2

NEOS is committed to a modern school system with equal educational opportunities for all children, regardless of their parents’ home. We want more school autonomy and a legal right to childcare from the first birthday. Following the example of Vienna, we would also like to introduce an opportunity index in the Innviertel in order to better support schools with greater challenges and to give ALL children wings.

Joachim Aigner, MFG, constituency list position 1

MFG is committed to an education system that is individually tailored to each child. Education is more than just learning facts – it should prepare young people to grow up to be critical, independent people. We demand that alternative paths, such as home schooling, be promoted more. This way, every child can choose the path that is best for them and develop their full potential.

Andreas Auzinger, KPÖ, constituency list position 1

The split between high school and middle school is happening far too early; there should be a common school for all six to 15-year-olds. Afterschool care and schools should be free. The schools also need more personal attention; class sizes should be reduced.