
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Boy (11) stuck between huge rocks for hours

Boy (11) stuck between huge rocks for hours

Rescue thanks to dishwashing liquid

Boy (11) stuck between huge rocks for hours

The fire brigade tried for hours to free the boy from his predicament.


It takes nine hours until the rescuers can finally free the boy!

An 11-year-old boy was walking near his school in Windsor (US state of New Hampshire) on Sunday when the ground suddenly gave way beneath him and he slipped right between the monster rocks. The boy was stuck and couldn’t get out – rescuing him became a mammoth task for the fire department.

Press down – pull up

The fact that the boy from the US state of New Hampshire was able to be taken to a hospital is thanks to numerous emergency services who worked together to free him from the tricky situation. Adam Iverson, captain of the Manchester Fire Department, describes the rescue operation as follows: “We basically created a tunnel from the side – with jackhammers, saws and shovels to make room under the boy. This allowed us to free his legs and push his feet up from below while our people pulled above.”

Reading tip: Tragic accident in Karlsruhe – boy dies trapped between truck and car

It was quite a fiddly job, but in the end it was successful. The rocks could not be moved. The emergency services on site say they are as big as houses.

In the video: Rockfall in the French Alps