
topicnews · September 17, 2024

Jürgen Milski talks about the frightening Ballermann site

Jürgen Milski talks about the frightening Ballermann site

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Jürgen Milski is now an integral part of Ballermann. The entertainer performs on the party mile every week during the season and gives it his all every time! In his private life, however, things are much quieter – and there is an important reason for that.

The season is still in full swing at Ballermann on Mallorca. Every day, the stars of the party mile perform at Bierkönig, Megapark and Co. and create the right atmosphere for the party-loving crowd. One of them is Jürgen Milski. The entertainer is on stage at Bierkönig every week from the end of March to October. But the life of a Ballermann star is not as wild as some people might imagine.

As soon as he is on stage, Jürgen Milski is unstoppable. The Cologne native gives it his all at every performance – with full physical commitment. There is singing, shouting and a lot of partying. But in the private life of the 60-year-old, things are very different. He has now explained why this is the case in an interview with betrayed.

Jürgen Milski talks about his job as a Ballermann star

Milski describes his routine as follows: “First of all, I do a lot of sport. Sport is the center of my life.” Among other things, he rides his mountain bike a lot, plays tennis, squash and regularly goes mountain climbing in his adopted home of Salzburg. But in addition to the physical activity, there is another important factor: “Lots of sport and no alcohol and no smoking,” explains Milski. Before his performance, he only drinks a beer (a ritual he has followed for years and which he would not want to miss) and smokes a cigarette: “Then that’s it for me,” says Milski.

That sounds much healthier and more disciplined than some people might imagine. But Milski points out that it would be almost impossible to keep up the job at Ballermann otherwise. “Anything else would be fatal,” he stresses. “If you’re addicted to alcohol, or even worse, drugs, then you won’t last long here.” “I think there are a few cautionary examples,” Jürgen Milski stresses thoughtfully.

The job at Ballermann is just that for him: a job. Just as he drove to his shift at Ford every day in Cologne, he now went to his performances at the Bierkönig. “It’s a job that I really enjoy, I go on stage, work very hard (…) Then we go out for something to eat and that’s it for me,” explains the Cologne native. Milski also found out at a – somewhat bizarre – fan meeting that many people have a completely wrong picture of the lives of the Ballermann stars.

Jürgen Milski: Bizarre fan encounter while playing tennis

“There’s a really funny story,” he begins the anecdote. Last winter, he was playing tennis in a hall when the owner approached him. “Are you the Ballermann singer, Jürgen?” the owner asked him. Milski explains with a laugh: “I always say, ‘No, I’m often confused with him.’ Then I have peace.”

Jürgen Milski will perform at the Bierkönig Opening 2024.
Jürgen Milski performs at the Bierkönig Opening 2024. © IMAGO

The owner’s prompt answer was a surprise even for Milski: “Oh, you can’t be, he’s always in Mallorca, always drunk, always drinking. You look healthy.” The former “Big Brother” star, however, takes it with a lot of humor: “For many people, that really is the image of a Ballermann singer. I found it very funny how some people see it.”