
topicnews · September 16, 2024

“Cozy” fair: UFC Sieggraben defies the stormy weather

“Cozy” fair: UFC Sieggraben defies the stormy weather

Last weekend, the UFC Sieggraben 2024 festival was not celebrated in the marquee as planned, but in the canteen and even in the locker room due to the weather. But instead of spoiling the mood, the organizing team demonstrated true talent for improvisation.

SIEGGRABEN. Originally the Fair with brilliant weather and a full program. But the reality was different: heavy rain and strong wind caused unforeseen difficulties that significantly affected the event.

How flexibility and team spirit saved the event

Preparations for the fair had already begun on Thursday, but the Rain already set and tightened on Friday strong wind the situation. Instead of cancelling or postponing the event, the UFC Sieggraben organisation team, led by chairwoman Margit Frauenschiel and her entire team, showed remarkable Flexibility and ingenuity. The celebrations were short-lived canteen of the sports field. Ms. Fraunschiel described the challenges with the words: “On Thursday we prepared everything, but then the rain came. And on Friday the wind started. We are faced with the question of what we should do if the tent falls over or a tree falls on the tent. The situation was really dangerous.”

Wide range of food and drinks

From grilled sausages with pastries to chops and schnitzels with chips or salad to various side dishes such as small chips and cheese sticks – the culinary offering left nothing to be desired. For a sweet finish, there were pastries such as cake pops and cakes, which were very popular with the guests. The fast and efficient service ensures that everyone is well looked after and feels comfortable.

The music contributed significantly to the positive atmosphere of the fair and made the event a great experience. | Photo: Alejandra Ortiz

Musicians bring positive mood

Musical entertainment was provided by Members of the music clubwhose appearance was a welcome compensation for the inconvenience caused by the weather.

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The dedicated team at UFC Sieggraben managed to put on a successful party despite adverse weather conditions and to offer guests a great time. | Photo: Alejandra Ortiz
Despite the weather-related changes, visitors were able to enjoy an extensive and varied range of food and drinks. | Photo: Alejandra Ortiz

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