
topicnews · September 15, 2024

Flood ticker: Alert level 2 in Görlitz and Schöna

Flood ticker: Alert level 2 in Görlitz and Schöna

18:22 | Elbe ferries partially cease operations

The regional transport company Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge has announced that there will be restrictions on shipping traffic due to the flooding.

  • Line 239: The stop Stadt Wehlen, Karl-Marx-Platz (Elbufer) is not served.
  • Ferry terminal (F1) Schöna – Hřensko out of service from now on
  • Ferry (F3/F4) Postelwitz-Krippen-Bad Schandau (F3/F4) out of service from Sunday
  • The touring ship has also ceased operations until further notice.

5:33 p.m. | Quiet location on the Neisse

According to reporters, the camp on the Neisse in Görlitz is still relaxed. Although alarm level 1 has already been reached, there are no signs of flooding yet. According to the forecast of the State Flood Center, the water will continue to rise and reach alarm level 3 during the course of the evening.

“At the moment, the situation in Görlitz and its districts remains calm. The fire brigade and emergency services are monitoring current developments and making preparations,” says Mayor Octavian Ursu (CDU). “I ask all Görlitz residents and their guests to let the fire brigade and emergency services continue to do their work.” The fire brigade headquarters is manned around the clock. The city of Görlitz’s emergency response team is also ready and can start work immediately if necessary.

17:16 | Alarm level 1 at the Neuwiese/ Schwarze Elster gauge

Alarm level 1 was also reached at the Neuwiese / Schwarze Elster gauge. The water level is currently at 1.99 meters. According to the forecast of the State Flood Center, the water will rise to 2.08 meters during the night and then slowly sink again.

16:59 | The water levels in Dresden are slowly rising

In Dresden, the water level of the Elbe continues to rise. It is currently at 3.41 meters. The water has already flowed onto the Elbe meadows.

16:17 | Bridge section in the Elbe has little impact on flooding

The part of the Carola Bridge that lies in the Elbe and collapsed on Wednesday will remain in the Elbe but will not significantly change the base level. This was stated by the head of the Dresden Environmental Office, René Herold, at midday. Several structural engineers and modelers from the city and an institute in Nuremberg had calculated various scenarios and reached this conclusion.

The flow speeds are influenced by the part lying in the water, but from the Augustus/Marienbrücke area onwards it will return to normal. There is also only a small area in which the currents will change.

16:06 | These flood alert levels currently apply:

Alert level 1

  • Schöna / Elbe
  • Prischwitz / Hoyerswerda Black Water
  • Zescha / Hoyerswerda Black Water
  • Bautzen 1 / Spree
  • Görlitz / Lusatian Neisse
  • Zittau 1 / Lusatian Neisse

Alert level 2

  • Gröditz 2 / Löbauer Water

15:59 | Slight all-clear for persistent rain in Saxony

The German Weather Service (DWD) has given a slight all-clear regarding the expected rainfall in Saxony. “There will initially be a break in the rain before more rainfall occurs from Sunday afternoon,” said a spokeswoman. A severe weather warning for heavy, persistent rain was lifted in the morning.

According to the information, most of the rain falls in the Eastern Ore Mountains and in eastern Saxony. At a measuring station in Hermsdorf in the Eastern Ore Mountains, around 94 litres per square metre were measured in the last 24 hours, while in Altenberg it was 91.7 litres, according to the DWD.

15:43 | 60,000 households in the Czech Republic without electricity

In Poland and the Czech Republic, the heavy rainfall has led to the first floods. Two villages in the border area between the two countries have already had to be evacuated. In the Czech Republic, the third flood alert level is in effect on around 20 rivers and streams.

60,000 households are without electricity. This was reported by the CTK agency, citing the energy suppliers. The administrative region around Usti nad Labem in the northwest of the country on the border with Saxony was the most affected. There alone, more than 20,000 households were temporarily without electricity. The reason given was that trees fell on the overhead power lines due to the wet ground and the strong wind.

15:38 | Alarm level 2 at Löbauer Wasser

Alarm level 2 has been reached at the Gröditz2 / Löbauer Wasser gauge. The water level there is currently 2.30 meters.

15:31 o’clock | Alarm level 4 possible on the Elbe in Schöna and Dresden

According to the State Flood Center, reaching the guideline values ​​of alarm level 4 in Schöna and Dresden cannot be ruled out. The flood threshold is expected at both gauges on Thursday. Alarm level 4 will be reached in Schöna at a water level of 7.50 meters, in Dresden at 7 meters. According to the authority, at alarm level 4, large built-up areas could be flooded or dikes could break.

15:14 | Flood warnings apply in these districts

  • Bautzen
  • Goerlitz
  • Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains
  • Dresden

15:07 | Kraftwerk concert in Dresden takes place

Although there are flood warnings for the Elbe and the collapse of the Carola Bridge is keeping emergency services on their toes, the Kraftwerk concert will take place on Theaterplatz in Dresden on Saturday.