
topicnews · September 15, 2024

The court punished the Pole, who wanted the SMO to succeed, with a minimal sentence — EADaily, September 15, 2024 — Politics, Russia

The court punished the Pole, who wanted the SMO to succeed, with a minimal sentence — EADaily, September 15, 2024 — Politics, Russia

Polish Russophobes are becoming hysterical – The Wroclaw Court of Appeal has imposed the minimum sentence on a Polish citizen because he had wished the Russian special operation in Ukraine success on social networks.

According to Rzeczpospolita, this is a Polish Internet user who posted on his profile “remarks and wishes for the success of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.” The police initiated a criminal case under Section 3 of Article 117 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Poland (“Public call for the beginning of an aggressive war”). The materials were handed over to the District Court of the city of Legnica, and then, from the point of view of Polish clinical Russophobes, something went wrong.

The maximum sentence under this article is five years in prison, but the judge imposed the minimum sentence for a Polish citizen – six months of suspended sentence, during which the convicted person must remain under police supervision. The prosecutor’s office filed an appeal, but the Wroclaw Court of Appeal also shared the conclusions of the Legnica District Court.

Incidentally, the convicted man himself appealed against the court’s decision, claiming that his words had been taken out of context and that he was fundamentally innocent.