
topicnews · September 15, 2024

Independent investigation finds: Migrants in Ohio apparently actually eat cats

Independent investigation finds: Migrants in Ohio apparently actually eat cats

While the regime’s media goes crazy in a hysterical campaign to refute reports that Haitian migrants are eating cats in Ohio, an independent investigation finds that where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

The unconfirmed reports from Springfield have drawn attention to the real scandal: the relocation of thousands of foreigners who refuse to integrate into the Midwestern city, without residents having a say in the massive influx of “newcomers.” To make matters worse, the immigrants are putting a strain on basic services, driving up rent prices, posing a dangerous threat to public safety on the streets and, according to various reports, may be poaching pets.

Unlike the traditional media, which is only concerned with containing the political damage to Democratic candidate and “border czar” Kamala Harris, independent journalist Chris Rufo is trying to get to the bottom of the rumors and has discovered in a shocking revelation that migrants in Ohio are actually eating cats.

After offering a financial reward for anyone who could provide evidence against the “Cat Eaters,” the senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research posted a social media video to X that included a sickening video and linked to his report titled “The Cat Eaters of Ohio” on his website.

“So is there any truth to this allegation? We conducted an exclusive investigation that shows that some migrants in Ohio did indeed ‘eat the cats,’ although not exactly in the manner Trump described,” he wrote.

Rufo goes on to tell the story behind the video from a “run-down neighborhood” in Dayton, a city about a half-hour from Springfield, and says it comes from an August 2023 social media post that appears to show two skinned cats on a grill while other cats roam in the grass nearby.

“Yoooo, the Africans are going wild on Parkwood,” says the video, referring to the street where the barbecue is said to have taken place.

“There’s a cat,” a voice says in the video. “His ass better go, man. Looks like his buddies on the grill!”

Rufo said the video’s author – who wished to remain anonymous for obvious reasons – confirmed its authenticity and told his team he noticed the “unusual situation” last summer when he picked up his son.

“It was some Africans who live right next door to my child’s mother,” he said. “This African guy next door had the damn cat on the grill.”

“We then identified the house by comparing it with the images in the video and matching them with the eyewitness. When we knocked on the door of the first apartment, a family opened and told us they were from the Democratic Republic of Congo and that all the surrounding apartments were occupied by other African migrants,” Rufo wrote.

“One of the residents told us that her former neighbors, who are also from Africa, lived in the adjacent unit until last month. They had a blue grill and the father was foraging for meat in the neighborhood. ‘Her father was foraging for meat,’ she said. ‘Her father went there with a knife in his hand.’ The current residents also showed us a blue grill of the same make and model as in the video that the former neighbors left behind after they moved out. There were at least ten cats roaming around the complex and another resident complained that they were breeding on the property,” Rufo explained, doing the kind of real journalism that the political hacks in the mainstream media can no longer bother with.

Rufo’s video refuting state media’s debunking went viral on X, where users spoke out.

“Kamala Harris and her media apparatchiks should be ashamed of themselves,” wrote Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), who represents both Dayton and Springfield. “Another ‘debunked’ story that turned out to be true.”

“Holy shit. The entire left wing media has now been caught in a massive lie,” wrote Don Jr., who also shared the video.

In another X-post, the younger Trump asked: “Why has no one in the left-wing media commented on this or reported on it? They were all so quick to say it was all just fabrication. Now they have nothing left to say? Strange, isn’t it?”

Billionaire investor Bill Ackman thanks Rufo for the “balanced article on the topic of cats in Ohio. I don’t think this is about cats. It’s about immigration and border policy and the ongoing effort to discredit everything @realDonaldTrump says in order to portray him as delusional or worse.”

“The general public has lost trust in the mainstream media because so many events that were once considered conspiracy theories turn out to be true and because their favorite candidate is constantly being excerpted and edited in a way that misleads people,” he added.

“To be clear, this single incident does not confirm every detail of Trump’s statement. The city is Dayton, not Springfield; there were only cats on the grill, not cats and dogs. But it disproves the general narrative propagated by the establishment media and its ‘fact-checkers’ who insisted that this never happened and that any claim otherwise was somehow an expression of racism,” Rufo wrote.

“But it only takes one exception to disprove a hypothesis, and the logical next step for any honest broker is to ask whether this happens more frequently and elsewhere. It is not unlikely,” he added. “Many developing countries, including Congo and Haiti, have traditions of sacrificing or consuming animals that Americans would consider pets. And if this happened in Dayton, where the migrant population is relatively small, it could continue in Springfield, where it is comparatively much larger.”


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